Leave it to Chrissy Teigen to one-up her already successful Snapchat account. She's always posting cute photos of her daughter Luna, or making hilarious commentary about New York Fashion Week. But the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model truly outdid herself on Saturday. Teigen posted a face swap of John Legend and their dog and it will absolutely make your day. It's bizarre, adorable, and hilarious all in one. It's unlike any photo she's posted of her husband before.
For the record, the Legends have three dogs together. The one who participated in this particular photo opp is Pippa. The other two are Puddy and Penny. I can only hope this means there are two other face swaps to be posted soon. Maybe next time Teigen will swap with one pup and Luna will go with the other.
One reason that the photo is so great is that their faces don't even line up. It's almost like four faces in one. Pippa's one eye and snout are on Legend's forehead, meanwhile his smile still appears on the side of his face. Then, the "All Of Me" singer's face seems to be protruding from the dogs. It's too complicated to explain, so you might as well just look at it for yourself — and feel free to whip out the picture any time you're having a rough day. Or should I say ruff day?
See what I mean? It's as cute and absurd as a dog-human combo could be. I'm both disturbed, yet in awe. It's like I want to make the photo my desktop background, but also have it printed out in a gigantic size for a haunted house. As for that saying about a picture being worth a thousand words, this one could easily spark plenty.
If there's one lesson to learn here — aside from dogs making great face swap partners — it's that if you're not already following Teigen on Snapchat, you should start doing so ASAP. This is just one of many gems that appear on a daily basis.