Easily one of the best things to come out of the disastrous Bachelor finale was the Clareaissance, and it's only getting better. We watched Clare Crawley grow from someone who swallowed every line Juan Pablo told her to someone who wasn't going to listen to him at all. When Clare declined to see JP during the "After the Final Rose" special, no one was mad at her for ignoring show tradition; people were proud that she was finally standing up for herself. “I don’t want to get fed anymore BS,” she explained. Host Chris Harrison spoke about Clare's transformation saying, "People saw the real Clare — a strong, confident, beautiful woman ... She stood up for herself and she felt like she did it too late, but I told her, 'It’s never too late. You did it when you needed to.'"
We were really glad to see how far Clare had come from the taping of the show to the live airing of the finale a few months later, but her growth didn't stop there. On yesterday's Good Morning America, a beaming Clare sat down to discuss how's she's been in the week since the finale premiered. "I feel amazing," she said. "I have zero regrets."
So what's the next chapter for this more confident Clare? She's found a guy, but she's wisely keeping quiet on who he is. "I'm very happy. The good thing is it's not on TV right now."
As long as he's not the kind of guy to disparage her while in a helicopter, he's probably a lot better of match for Clare than Juan Pablo. We're super happy that she's emerged from this show and turned over a new leaf.
From Renee getting engaged to Andi becoming the next Bachelorette to Clare's confidence, this season has really been less about The Bachelor and all about the women. That's honestly kind of refreshing because they're people too and we want to watch them succeed, especially after they did their time with JP.
Image: ABC