Jared Leto's Instagram Account is Wonderfully Insane: 10 Reasons You Need to Follow The Oscar-Winner
Jared Leto is a bit of an enigma in Hollywood. Celebrated actor? Yes, most certainly. Especially after his oscar-winning performance in Dallas Buyers Club which was deemed a major "comeback" for the actor. Successful rockstar? Yep, he does that too. Hello, 30 Seconds to Mars and all of your many millions of albums sold all over the world. Ageless alien robot being? POSSIBLY. He and Pharrell either share the same diet and skincare regimen or both come from the same planet of ridiculously good-looking and successful beings who never ever get older. I'm not convinced which is the truth here.
In any case, when Leto isn't busy winning Oscars,congratulating dreamers, being a his brother's #1 fan, or making everyone jealous by being BFF's (best friend or BOYFRIEND forever) with Lupita Nyong'o...he's Instagramming up a storm! Leto's account is chock-full of those luscious locks, A-list celebs, adorable shout-outs to his mom, and the most eclectic hat collection on this here planet. Seriously, just go follow @JaredLeto, you will NOT be disappointed for many, many reasons. Here are a few of our favorite.
The best hashtag of the year
“Haaaa! Fashion may go out of style but style never goes out of fashion. #ClassicLooks #FashionForward#ThanksJC #NotComparingToChrist xo”
#ThanksForClarifying Also, who knew JC was on top of that ombre trend?
Image: JaredLeto/Instagram
The Plea
“Follow me on Instagram? It’ll be fun I promise. Xo”
Consider your wish granted, sir! I mean, can you EVEN with that hair/coat/face combo?
Image: JaredLeto/Instagram
The fanboy (of himself)
The work of art
“Wait…this is me in playdough?”
Fuscilli Jerry actually has some competition for best pop culture mini figurine made from creative materials.
Image: JaredLeto/Instagram
The cutest Face Time of all
“My mothers face when @shannonleto and I told her she was coming to the #Oscars with us! :)”
Those punims!
Image: JaredLeto/Instagram
The IFC/Sundance Dream Team
The Truly Inexplicable Hats
“Can’t say I didn’t try. #VeganPancakes”
Also, Mr. Leto has a very nice assortment of VMAs on his window sill. As you do.
Image: JaredLeto/Instagram
The buffness
“Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgghh!!!!!! Pic by @terryrichardsonstudio#deathbyguacamole”
Again, great hashtag…it’s just a shame the photo was taken by scumbag extraordinaire Terry Richardson. :(
Image: JaredLeto/Instagram
The homeless raver on a beach party-ness
“Me. Nye. Twerkin. (Maybe)”
There are a lot of “Maybes” going on in this photo.
“Me. A hat. In Mexico. Hello 2014. Xoxo”
Is that not THE MOST clear caption ever?
Image: JaredLeto/Instagram