
Carly & Evan Could Be Expanding Post-'BIP'

by Lindsay Denninger

Carly and Evan were definitely the couple least likely to hook up together on Bachelor In Paradise, but hey — what do I know? Carly eventually warmed up to Evan’s persistent feelings, and these two are engaged. They’re moving in together soon (they both live in Nashville, Tennessee, so there’s no room to rush into cohabitation right now I think), but will Carly and Evan have kids after Bachelor In Paradise ?

Carly answered that question in her own words in an interview with Glamour. Of Evan, she said, “I've never had a guy look at me that way before. He gives me butterflies.” This interview was done before the finale aired, so Carly couldn’t give away anything about the proposal, but she said, “I’m so excited about him having kids… I’m 30. I want kids; he wants more kids. We’ve already discussed that. He has three boys—ages 14, 11, and 8. We’ve talked about having kids. He wants more, and I’m game. We’re just going to be maybe one big happy family.”

It may sound early to discuss children after oh, three weeks in a relationship, but I guess if you’re talking about marriage, you can talk about having children, too.

Carly and Evan seem like they’ll make sweet parents. Evan’s children are so adorable, and Carly seems like the nurturing type. I think these two would make the cutest kids together, and I can’t wait to see what happens for the rest of their lives! I mean, let’s focus on a gorgeous maybe-television wedding first, but I’m down for seeing some Nashville-bred babies soon after...

Images: Rick Rowell/ABC