Wells & Ashley Hit A 'BiP' Dead End

As soon as I found out Wells and Ashley would be hanging out on Bachelor in Paradise , I was ready to 'ship this couple hard. After spending so much time stuck on Jared, Ashley deserved the chance to see what it was like to date someone who was actually interested in her, and Wells seemed like the perfect candidate. He's cute, he's sweet, he's funny — what more could you want? Um, chemistry. On Monday night's episode, Wells and Ashley broke up on Bachelor in Paradise , and as 'shippable as they once were, it was pretty much inevitable.
OK, so they had a really, really great date when Wells first showed up in Paradise. I mean, actually eating their dinner on camera and talking to stray dogs? It sounds like the ideal way to spend an evening, and they seemed to hit it off right away. But. then, Wells' eyes started to wander, and, when Jami showed up, he wanted to see what she was about, and then the same thing happened with Shushanna. And, even though he chose to give his rose to Ashley during the final rose ceremony, he broke up with her before their relationship progressed to the Fantasy Suites.
Good for Wells for being honest about his feelings, even if it was difficult to watch. It was pretty clear there weren't any sparks for him after that first date, and leading her on even further would have been cruel, even though the breakup did clearly suck for Ashley.
My one concern? This setback could hurt Ashley's relationships in the future even more than the Jared thing did since she was so confident in their future together, only to have the rug ripped out from under her. Here's hoping that she and Wells both find the person they're looking for. Those people may not have been in Paradise, of course, but they're out there somewhere!
Image: Rick Rowell/ABC