22 Reasons Fall Is Better Than Summer

Call me crazy, but I'm glad summer is finally over. Don't get me wrong — I love the sunshine — but a person can only stand so many consecutive 90-degree days before they start dreaming of all the reasons fall is better than summer. There are many reasons why autumn is the enjoy-it-while-it-lasts happy medium between the long, hot summer and the seemingly endless frozen winter. It's better than summer in pretty much every way. I'll explain.
I'm not one of those people who plans her Halloween costume out two months in advance or that girl who Instagrams boots standing in crunchy orange leaves. I only own two scarves, and, don't hate me too much, but I honestly don't really like pumpkin beer. But I'm still keenly aware that fall is the best, most mellow season of the calendar year. It's like your friend who is deeply chill, always down for an adventure, and never ever sweats the small stuff. Fall's two biggest holidays are both heavily food-centric. It's a season optimized for chilling.
I've had enough of summertime, and I'm ready to make a nice autumn wreath for my front door, so get on with it, Mother Nature. Let's do this thing. Here are all the reasons fall is better than, well, everything.
1. Warm cocktails
Apple cider hot toddies are one of my favorite fall drinks to show off at Halloween and Friendsgiving parties. The combination of spicy and warm flavors makes for a cozy evening drink when the weather starts to get cold. Check out this recipe from Cookie + Kate.
2. Crisp mornings
You know those crisp mornings when you just want to stay wrapped up in your blankets because you're perfectly cozy? They're a lot better than the mornings when you wake up having kicked your blankets onto the floor and you already need a shower from the film of sweat accumulating on your body.
3. Thanksgiving food
Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce — I'm getting hungry just thinking about the possibilities. I really enjoy adapting traditional recipes in fun, creative ways. Add some Sriracha to your cranberry sauce. Make some cajun blackened stuffing! Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to flex your culinary muscles.
4. Halloween candy
From creepy homemade goodies to delicious Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Halloween candy is almost enough to carry fall all by itself.
5. Sweater weather
You're telling me I can get away with wearing a blanket as clothes for the next three months? I'm in.
6. Boots
My favorite fall boots are on the top shelf of my closet right now. I can't even reach them. I'll be happy to invite their tall leathery goodness back into my regular shoe circulation.
7. Messy hair? Wear a hat.
Just not feeling your hair today? Instead of going through bottles upon bottles of dry shampoo, once fall arrives, lazy days can easily turn into hat days.
8. You can go outside without melting
It's currently too hot to do anything outside. If you're the kind of person that likes to go outside and experience the world without the sound of a noisy air conditioner, fall is primetime to get out of the house.
9. Open windows
Opening all the windows and letting the fresh air blow through your home is one of the greatest luxuries about perfect fall weather.
10. Lower power bills
Since your AC is off, your windows are open, and you can actually go outside during the day, your power bill will be competitively low. You'll reduce your carbon footprint, and pretty much everyone loves to save money on boring things like utilities.
11. Carving pumpkins
My dog wasn't really sure what to think about this orange rendition of Darth Vader that I carved up last year, but I thought it was pretty cool.
12. Spicy pumpkin seeds
After you dig out the seeds and guts from your pumpkin, you can toss the pumpkin seeds in spices and roast them to make a delicious fall snack. Check out this recipe form Joy The Baker.
13. Pretty leaves
They pretty much speak for themselves, don't they?
14. Soup
If you love a nice warm bowl of soup, you're probably dying for the chilly fall nights to get here already.
15. An extra hour of sleep
When daylight saving time ends, we get to fall back an hour and enjoy a glorious extra hour of sleep on a brisk, snuggly November morning. This year we fall back on Nov. 6.
16. The first backyard fires
We've had nights this summer that were too hot to even be outside let alone have a fire. I'm looking forward to the first backyard fire night of the fall.
17. Scary movie marathons
Poltergeist, The Shining, and Stranger Things are all perfect for marathoning as Halloween creeps closer.
18. Sports are always on
Basketball returns, football is in full force, and baseball playoffs keep things exciting. During the fall, you can pretty much watch whichever sport you want on any given evening. You can't say that about summertime.
19. Award movie season
Summer blockbusters are great and all, but the memorable performances, substantive stories, and gorgeous cinematography comes later in the year in what is widely considered "award movie" season.
20. The end of the election cycle
Finally, finally, this election cycle will be over. So celebrate the end of the world's longest election season by not being useless — go vote.
21. Snuggling
It will be cool enough in your home to actually be close to another life form without sweating to death.
22. Scream Queens
Fall's best awkward horror comedy returns — finally.
Images: Cookie + Kate; Pexels (10); Pixabay (7); Jessica Learish; Joy The Baker; BFI; Giphy