Ashley Iaconetti really just needs someone to take her out on a date on Bachelor In Paradise, and luckily for her (and the rest of us, because we get to watch), that person is Wells Adams. He showed up on Bachelor In Paradise like an oasis in the desert, ready to quench Ashley’s thirst for love and take her away from the rest of the house so she could stop complaining. During their introduction, Ashley and Wells talked about the other’s Instagram accounts, and it was the most Bachelor thing ever.
Wells rolled in, and like most other Bachelor In Paradise participants who come in late, immediately asked what women at the resort were free for love. Ashley’s name came up every single time, mostly because no one wants to listen to her cry about Jared anymore (same, though). Ashley and Wells really did get along during their introduction, though, and Wells said something along the lines of, “You have a really great Instagram, I really like your pictures.” Ashley complimented Wells right back, because he posts a lot of pictures of dogs, and could we all be anymore millennial? For realsies? Instagram is a business right now for the Bachelor Nation clan, so it’s so funny to me that’s the first thing that Wells had to say to Ashley.
It’s a great icebreaker in a way, because if you bring up social media, you can talk about a certain picture or experience or the like and then move onto other things. Whatever Wells was feeling at the moment, his comment worked, because he asked Ashley on a date and they had a good time.
I’m really feeling these two together — they have a great rapport, and I feel like they mesh on a lot of levels, Instagram, dogs, and otherwise. We’ll have to wait and see if Wells and Ashley will go on more than one date on Bachelor In Paradise, but I hope for good things.
Images: Rick Rowell/ABC