7 Funny Labor Day Memes

Despite the barbecues, camping trips, and boat rentals that come with the long weekend, Labor Day can feel a bit depressing as it signifies the unofficial end of summer. These funny Labor Day memes can help you get through it with a smile on your face. Praise the heavens for memes... I don't know how society would survive without them.
So what do these Labor Day memes actually poke fun of? Well, a plethora of things — including the way we celebrate the holiday, the things we wear (or rather, don't wear) after the holiday, and the unfortunate people who still have to work on the holiday. America sure can be tough sometimes, can't it? At least we have a good sense of humor!
If you have the day off, make sure you make the most of your Labor Day this summer, because for those of us who don't, we're totally jealous of you. Even if you don't have huge plans (who really wants to hang out on a crowded beach or in a stroller-filled park anyway?), take a moment or two to have a laugh. These memes might not do much for you financially or in the way of work, but they will make you laugh.
Oh, to live the life of a cat...
If this is you, make sure you're getting paid overtime.
America being America.
Yeah, baby.
Sorry, not for me.
Why not?
Finally, a reason for Grumpy Cat to truly be grumpy.
Images: MemeCenter