At 12 p.m. PT on Aug. 26, Kylie's August lip kits were released to the masses online. If you're wondering whether or not they've sold out yet, as of press time, you'd be happy to learn that all three shades — Brown Sugar, Dirty Peach, and Love Bite — are still available for purchase!
Historically, Kylie Jenner's new lip kits sell out in minutes on their launch day. Today's launch seems to be a bit different, however. Not only is Kylie Cosmetics selling the August shades in a bundle (for $87), they also seem to have made a lot of product for each new hue. None of the matte August colors have sold out yet, which most Kylie Cosmetics fans know is pretty unexpected and unusual.
While some might wonder if this is because the popularity surrounding Kylie's lip kits is slowly falling, I would argue that it's because Kylie Jenner and her team have really studied their audience and done their research. They have figured out their demographic, how many people sign on to purchase the lip kits on the launch day, and as a result know how many of each to make. Plus, Jenner has taken to her social media accounts time and time again to apologize for products selling out too quickly and wanting to make sure all of her fans get the lip kits of their choice.
It seems like Jenner is really trying to keep her promise and her fans happy. Customer service is important after all, especially if you want to keep the momentum going for your successful company.
That and great products in good shades, too, I have to add.
I'd say Kylie Jenner and co. have really nailed it.
If you want to get your hands on the new August lip kits, act quickly — while they're not yet sold out, they might soon, so go now!
Images: Kylie Cosmetics