Key & Peele Got an Animated Series: 7 More Comedy Duos We'd Like to See in Cartoons
Comedy Central has just confirmed that Key & Peele will be getting an animated series. After Comedy Central announced that the uber-popular comedy duo would get another season to make us laugh, they doubled down. Now, in addition to a fourth round of Obama's anger translator and substitute teachers, Key and Peele will be making a cartoon version of their popular "Vandaveon & Mike" characters. In case you forgot, Vandaveon and Mike are the fake fans Key and Peele invented to critique their own show on Youtube.
Although we love Key & Peele, and can't wait for Vandaveon and Mike to get cartoonified, we'd love to see other comedic duos get the toon treatment. Perhaps we're too attached to the good old days of funny '90s cartoons, or we've seen Frozen one too many times. Either way, here are our seven most animated prospects.
Image: Comedy Central
Amy Poehler and Tina Fey
Imagine a world where Amy and Tina get to host a drinking party/best friend hangout as cartoon characters.
Maybe they play Leslie Knope and Liz Lemon, maybe they play themselves. Either way it would be amazing.
Jimmy Fallon and Questlove
Everyone agrees that Fallon would be nothing without the musical comedy stylings of The Roots. And yes, we could have picked the oh-so-talented Black Thought as Fallon’s animated counterpart, but Questlove has already been made into an adorable cartoon. Feel free to substitute Dave Chapelle for Jimmy Fallon.
Seth Meyers and Bill Hader
Stefan and Seth definitely had some on-screen chemistry, and now that Anderson Cooper married them, we could expect a Flinstones-esque series about their life in Weekend Update married bliss.
Image: NBC
The Blues Brothers
This one almost happened! The Blues Brothers were almost picked up for an animated series with UPN, but sadly, it was canned before it got off the ground. Luckily this image of the brothers and their cop car remains. It’s almost like it’s on a mission from God.
Image: UPN
Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein
To be fair, Fred and Carrie have been animated on Portlandia before — as mice. But wouldn’t Pixar-style 3D animations of a few of their characters (or Fred and Carrie themselves) just be adorable?
Donald Glover and Danny Pudi
Community may have gone south lately, but Troy and Abed in the Morning remains one of the best segments of a comedy. If you animated just Danny and Donald doing their thing (maybe as Evil Troy and Evil Abed) it could be golden.
Image: NBC
Ilana Jacobsen and Abbi Glazer
Broad City has been making crazy-huge waves in its first season on TV, and we’d love to see our favorite stoner heroes take their act beyond live action. They could even rant about feminism and being awesome. Who knows, when you’re a cartoon character, they sky’s the limit.
Image: Comedy Central