From senseless massacres to bizarre political occurrences to mind-melting digital connectivity, few things are shocking — including the fact that there are three Pokemon porn parodies — yes, three — and counting.
Back in the day at my suburban middle school, Pokemon was a popular card game, where you'd get together with friends and swap wacky mythical characters while trying to amass your legion of "pocket monsters." As human trainers, it was our goal to complete our Pokedex with as many species as possible, and then teach them to do our bidding in battle. Fast forward two decades later, and Pokemon has transformed into something even more addicting.
With "Pokemon Go", players are called to "catch 'em all" as they walk the streets discovering monsters and exploring the world around them with new eyes. The beloved app has become so high profile, in fact, that businesses around the world are scrambling to become official "Pokestops" to get dedicated gamers to flock to their stores as they try to amass more Pokemon. And like all insanely popular things, a porn parody must be made when a phenomenon hits critical mass. Here's a succinct run down on all the Pokemon porn parodies.
1. Pornstar Go XXX
Pornstar Go XXX is the first parody of Pokemon Go, put out by the folks at Brazzers. According to a press release, product director Mario Nardstein said the parody was designed so that "players can stop by, watch Pornstar Go XXX Parody, take a load off (literally), and heal their bodies before getting back to the hunt." Sounds like a plan!
2. Strokemon
Strokemon is the Pokemon parody by WoodRocket, the folks behind Ask A Porn Star, and other fine parodies such as Ten Inch Mutant Ninja Turtles. The intro music is sure to grab your attention as it references the need to take an "STI test" because the guy "probably caught them all."
3. Poke A Ho
Poke A Ho is the latest in Pokemon parodies, and it's even more immersive than the rest. Debuting on HoloFilm Productions, this virtual reality porn company says their homage to "pocket monsters" (sounds pretty X-rated in this context, doesn't it?) is going to be the second best virtual reality experience of the summer. Time to strap on your VR headset and find out.
Images: HoloFilm Productions; Giphy (3)