Remember that time you were a teenager and Little Mermaid-style emo whining about how you wanted to bust out of your hometown and see the ~world~? Because ugh, all that unconditional love and free food and making of treasured memories was The Worst, amirite? Real talk, though: now that you are an adult and low key homesick all the time, you may be in desperate want of one of these new candles that smell like your home state.
In related news, home states apparently have smells now? But as our sex and relationships editor Michelle Toglia aptly puts it, "I don’t want to know what New York smells like." Fortunately these candles seem to only capitalize off of the pleasing smells of our home states, which is why New York smells of apple and pumpkin instead of the more truthful hot dumpster garbage and vom. (Help us.) And not to brag, but my own home state of Virginia smells of honeysuckle and forest floor, so honeysuck it.
Homesick Candles only has 26 varieties of candles right now (including a Northern and Southern California, which I suppose is a thing you only care about if you live there), but they have plans to expand out to every state soon. The company was launched by a group of friends who all relocated from their beloved states. A lot of thought and consideration goes into each state's smells, so if you don't see yours on there yet, be patient — it will be worth the wait!
The candles each retail at $29.95, which is much more reasonable than the price most of us are paying on air and bus fare to get home. And while a smell shan't ever replace a hug from a human who loves you, it might at least get you through all the weeks you have to wait to get there.
The fun thing is, you could even use these candles in reverse! If you're not sure where you want to move and you're willing to take a gamble on your nostrils, check to see what your state of choice smells like. For instance, if any of them end up smelling like chocolate, I'm out. Sorry not sorry, apples and pumpkins of New York. We had a good run.
Get a whiff of your home state by checking out Homesick Candles. Then go call the fam and tell them you love them — even if they don't smell like a Pinterest board for your nose, they're the part that made it home in the first place.
Images: Homesick Candles