Even MORE Hogwarts Stories Are Coming

It's a good time to be a Harry Potter fan. This year is already blessing us with a stage sequel and a film prequel. And now we're getting even more Harry Potter books. Get your e-readers ready, because the next additions to the series are going to be e-books only — and you're definitely not gonna want to miss them. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is already breaking records left, right, and center to become the bestselling play of all time. But these new books have got something even better going for them: They're actually written by J.K. Rowling.
This September, three e-books will land on your digital bookshelf, promising to tell the stories of Hogwarts for just $2.99 each. The books, which form part of the new Pottermore Presents series, will contain a mixture of material previously seen on Pottermore and brand-new content straight from Queen Rowling herself. According to the press release, each book can be easily read in an hour or so — so these are going to be just perfect for entertaining us on the morning commute. Well, for three days, at least — and then we'll be clamoring for the next in the series!
Luckily, the press release hinted that there are a lot more where these come from. Apparently, these are just the "first" in a whole series. Exciting!
Let's have a closer look at what these first three books are going to contain.
The first is called Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists . It sounds like this book is going to get pretty dark. Azkaban, Dolores Umbridge, and the young Tom Riddle all make an appearance. There are a range of stories included here, but they all have a few key things in common: "temptation, power, mischief and villainy."
Next up, we have Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies . This one focuses on two of the bravest characters in the whole franchise — and, incidentally, my two absolute faves. Yep, this book is all about Minerva McGonagall and Remus Lupin.
And finally, we have Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide . Now, this definitely isn't the same book Hermione Granger was always carting around — but maybe it will help us get even half as knowledgeable about the magical school as our favorite witch was.
The Pottermore Presents books will be available for download from Amazon, iBooks, and Barnes & Noble. Can September 6 get here already?