I’ll be honest: I’m kind of tired of catching Weedles — and yet, I still never seem to have enough candy to finally turn my giant Weedle collection into a much more impressive Beedrill or two. So, really: How much candy do I need to evolve a Kakuna in “Pokemon Go?” A Bug/Poison type Pokemon, the humble Weedle and its evolutions aren’t exactly the most exciting of the bunch; in fact, I would argue that even catching yet another Pidgey is more meaningful. (Or maybe that’s just me — I kind of prefer birds to worms.) Still, though — if you want to catch ‘em all, you’re going to have to add a Beedrill to your collection eventually. So let’s take a look at how to get there, shall we?
As it turns out, getting a Weedle to the Kakuna stage is relatively easy; it only requires 12 candies to do so. However, going from a Kakuna to a Beedrill will take quite a few more: 50 candies, to be precise. This means that, not unlike evolving a Pidgey to a Pidgeotto to a Pidgeot, you’ll need 62 candies total to take a Weedle through the entire evolutionary process.
Speaking of, the actual catching and evolving pattern for going from a Needle all the way to a Beedrill is pretty much the same as the one for going from a Pidgey to a Pidgeot — but just in case you need a refresher, here’s how the numbers work. Remember, you earn three pieces of candy for every Pokemon you catch and one piece for every Pokemon you trade to Professor Willow. That means your candy-by-Weedle collection process will look a little something like this:
- Weedle #1: Three pieces of candy (for catching); three total. This will be the Weedle you’ll evolve (or at least, it is for the sake of this example) , which is why we’re not trading it in for a fourth piece of candy right now.
- Weedle #2: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); seven pieces total.
- Weedle #3: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 11 pieces total.
- Weedle #4: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 15 pieces total.
Then evolve your Weedle.
At this point, you’ll have one Kakuna and three pieces of candy leftover. Three pieces of candy is a good place to start, but we’ll still need to gather more. Here’s what it looks like from there:
- Weedle #5: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); seven pieces total.
- Weedle #6: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 11 pieces total.
- Weedle #7: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 15 pieces total.
- Weedle #8: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 19 pieces total.
- Weedle #9: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 23 pieces total.
- Weedle #10: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 27 pieces total.
- Weedle #11: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 31 pieces total.
- Weedle #12: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 35 pieces total.
- Weedle #13: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 39 pieces total.
- Weedle #14: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 43 pieces total.
- Weedle #15: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 47 pieces total.
- Weedle #16: Four pieces of candy (three for catching, one for trading); 51 pieces total.
Then evolve your Kakuna.
So, here's your Weedle evolution process by numbers:
- 63 pieces of candy, 62 of which you used to evolve your Weedle.
- 16 Weedles caught.
- 15 Weedles traded to Professor Willow for candy.
- One Weedle evolved.
- One Kakuna evolved.
- One Beedrill acquired.
Again, if you’re really on your game, you’ll combine this knowledge with the Lucky Egg XP hack, which will allow your Trainer character to level up much more quickly.
Or you could spend your time trying to find a Pikachu instead. But hey — you do you. All’s fair in love and “Pokemon Go.” Or… something.
Images: Lucia Peters/Bustle; Giphy (2)