Ready ... set ... PUMPKIN!!! In case you were wondering who the alpha was in kicking off autumn's pumpkin spice vibes, it has revealed itself in the form of the McDonald's McCafe Pumpkin Spice Latte, which will officially hit stores this year on August 31. This will be mark the first time in three years that the drink will be available in stores nationwide, so basically the entire country just became a pumpkin spice-flavored jamboree. And speaking personally as someone who is as hashtag done with the heat of summer as a person can be, McDonald's is ushering in the start of fall right on time.
The original McCafe Pumpkin Spice Latte, which has hints of pumpkin and cinnamon flavors, hit the market in 2013, but in the last few years it was only available at select #blessed locations — fewer than 50 percent of them, in fact. So now that the entire country is burdened with glorious purpose, how can we celebrate? I think the most fitting way is to order this puppy during the work day with some of that all day breakfast that the McGods blessed us with last year. For this is the first year that all of the McStars have fallen into line, gifting us with all day breakfast and nationwide McCafe Pumpkin Spice Lattes at the same time.
So what exactly in this fall-flavored creation? Aside from the hints of pumpkin and cinnamon flavors, it is made of espresso with 100 percent Arabica beans and steamed with whole or nonfat milk where available. All of the drinks are freshly-brewed and made to order, and will be available as a hot beverage option, with a few select stores also offering an iced beverage version.
So if you want in on the deliciousness, be sure to hit up McDonald's this fall while the drink is available for a limited time — the noms start on August 31!
Images: Courtesy of McDonald's