As if Star Wars hasn't dominated the pop culture landscape enough since A New Hope was released nearly 40 years ago, Rogue One is taking it up a notch. A trailer teaser for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was released to promote the new full-length trailer that will air during the Olympics — ultimately giving Star Wars junkies a trailer for a trailer. The 15-second teaser from Aug. 9 will certainly pique your interest (as teasers are meant to do) for the Rogue One trailer that will premiere during NBC's coverage of the Rio Olympics on Aug. 11. While information about Rogue One, which takes place between Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and Episode IV – A New Hope, has been coming out slowly, the teaser hints that the Olympics trailer will provide plenty of new footage and insights about this stand-alone Star Wars film.
Now, before you spend a precious 15 seconds watching the teaser for the Rogue One trailer that will premiere during the Olympics (actually, make that 10 seconds since that's how much content there is), be forewarned that many of the clips from the short spot are taken directly from the first Rogue One teaser trailer that was released back in April. However, there are a few new details that should get fans pumped — like a shot of the droid K-2SO. Although Entertainment Weekly published photos in June that showed the new droid voiced by Alan Tudyk, a snippet of him in the teaser means fans should get to see Kay-Tuesso in action in the trailer released on Aug. 11.
The teaser starts with someone watching a U-Wing fly off and features new characters Baze Malbus, Cassian Andor, Chirrut Îmwe, and — of course — Felicity Jones' Jyn Erso. Sorry, there's none of Forest Whitaker's Saw Gerrera, who was prominently featured in the April teaser, but there's a possibility he might appear in the full-length trailer when it premieres. The teaser for the Olympics trailer ends just as the April teaser did, with the AT-ACT walkers (a larger version of the AT-AT) shooting at Jyn and Cassian — just without a final shot of Jyn with Saw's voiceover.
Although I am wary of this whole trailer for a trailer trend (to be fair, they did the same thing in anticipation of the first Rogue One teaser), if any film franchise is worthy of the extra hype, it's Star Wars. And as the release of the Rogue One trailer teaser proves, giving fans more reason to be excited for new information is typically always a good thing. Since it's without a doubt that this particular teaser will leave you wanting more, make sure you're watching the Olympics on Aug. 11 (no details on what time, unfortunately), so you can see the full new trailer for Rogue One in all its glory right away.
Image: Lucasfilm Ltd.