10 Hamantaschen Recipes to Make Your Purim Especially Delicious
Purim, the Jewish holiday that encourages drunkenness and debauchery, is this Saturday! The holiday revolves around hamantaschen, the triangle-shaped cookies named after the three-cornered hat Book of Esther villain Haman was said to wear (don't ask). They're a popular treat to make and share with friends. Not Jewish? Queen Esther is one of few female heroes in the Bible, so celebrate this holiday of lady power with cookies!
Image: The Shiksa in the Kitchen
Red Bean and Oatmeal Hamantaschen
Blogger Molly Yeh at My Name is Yeh celebrates her Jewish and Chinese heritage with these awesome mash-up hamentashen, which in her words, “Asianize a Jewish thing.”
Image: My Name is Yeh
Kravitz Family Hamantaschen
This recipe, by yours truly, melissabethk, comes from my Jewish preschool, and has been baked in my house for at least the past 18 years. I love playing around with different fillings, mixing and matching fruits and adding unexpected ingredients, like chocolate chips and coconut flakes.
Image: melissabethk
Red Velvet Hamantaschen
Are they cookies? Are they cake? Does it even matter? The chocolate drizzle on these unique incarnations of hamantaschen by What Jew Wanna Eat truly seals the deal.
Image: What Jew Wanna Eat
Lemon Poppyseed Hamantaschen
The poppyseeds in the dough truly make these hamantaschen stand out, and the lemony filling is a perfect refresher with the crispy cookie by Couldn’t Be Parve .
Image: Couldn’t Be Parve
Chocolate Cream Cheese Hamantaschen
Jewish convert The Shiksa in the Kitchen puts her own spin on traditional Jewish recipes. Cookies that taste like cheesecake are pretty much suitable for any day, holiday or not.
Image: The Shiksa in the Kitchen
S'mores Hamantaschen
With the gooey marshmallow and chocolate neatly folded into the graham cookie, Couldn’t be Parve may have created the recipe for the tidiest s’mores you’ll ever eat.
Image: Couldn’t be Parve
Protein Packed Hamantaschen
This creative recipe by The Inventive Vegetarian uses a surprising ingredient — silken tofu — to add richness and a boost of protein to your cookies.
Image: The Inventive Vegetarian
Rainbow Hamantaschen
These gorgeous cookies by Kitchen Tested are definitely labor intensive (and have the potential to end up on Pinterest Fails) but they’re also incredible looking!
Image: Kitchen Tested
Kimchi Hamantaschen
These savory dumplings, based on the cookies, pack a bit of spice, and are a fantastic way to cook for the holiday if you’re not into baking, like the Confident Cook .
Image: Confident Cook
Candy Cane Cheesecake Hamantaschen
Kitchen Tested brings back the flavors of the winter holidays with these rich, creamy, and crunchy cookies.
Image: Kitchen Tested