As a longtime fan of Bachelor In Paradise, I’m now really invested in the lives of certain members of the cast. One of my favorites is Carly Waddell, the cruise ship singer who tried to win the heart of farmer Chris Soules during his season of The Bachelor. She got axed toward the end of the show, but then she went to Paradise, where things seemed to be going well between Carly and Kirk DeWindt… And then she got axed again at the end. Geez — can Carly get a break or what? She’s on Bachelor In Paradise 3 now, and, just so I don’t get my own heart broken again, I have to ask — Are Carly and Evan still together after Bachelor In Paradise 3 ?
Evan is a 33-year-old single dad and erectile dysfunction specialist (boy, does The Bachelor love to talk about that) who lives in Nashville, and he is fresh off some time with JoJo and the rest of her Bachelorette cast. Evan is famous at this point for fighting with Chad Johnson, but that’s more Chad’s fault than Evan’s. Evan never really fit in with the other guys on his season — it was the biggest and grossest show of machismo I’ve ever seen on The Bachelorette, and Evan is more of the quiet type. He didn’t stand a chance.
He could, though, stand a chance with Carly. She’s been hurt before, and I think she’s ready to settle down with a nice guy. Here are three reasons why I think that Carly and Evan could go all the way.
They Both Live In Nashville
You can fall in love on a reality television show all you want, but if you can’t make it work in real life, then you can kiss your spinoff goodbye. Luckily, Carly and Evan both live in Nashville, Tennessee (as do a slew of other Bachelor Nation alumni), so distance will not be an issue if these two want to try it out IRL.
Carly Is Ready For Marriage…
Carly had expressed on her season of The Bachelor that she was ready to settle down, so now might be her chance to walk down the aisle. Following in Jade and Tanner's footsteps could be a real possibility for the BiP 3 pair.
…Which Is Good, Because Evan Has Kids
Anyone who gets involved with a single parent like Evan has to be on board with taking on the whole family, and Carly seems down for that. She’s ready for love, which means she’s ready for Evan and the whole package deal.
Of course, all of this hope may be dashed by Carly's actions in Episode 2 when she made it clear that she was not so into Evan or his kissing. And, he seemed pretty crushed by that on social media.
Will Carly and Evan stay together after Bachelor In Paradise? It's not looking great, folks.
This article has been updated to include information from a more recent BiP episode.
Images: Rick Rowell/ABC