11 Memes That Celebrate National Dog Day

Aug. 26 marks National Dog Day. Yes, such a glorious day does exist, and yes, I did just so happen to round up 11 hilarious National Dog Day memes to celebrate the occasion. You're very welcome! What better way to spend your day than looking at dog memes, right?
Dogs are funny little (and sometimes big) things. They love their masters unconditionally, and they can so easily put a smile on anyone's face. If only humans could love as unconditionally as their dogs could, this world would be a much better place. So why not learn a little from our fury friends?
While these memes might capture some of the more stupid things that dogs do on a regular basis, they also capture the absolute joy that dogs bring to their owners' lives. Can you imagine a world without four-legged puppies running around outside and ginormous lap dogs hanging around inside? I know that's not a world I want to imagine.
Spend the next five minutes taking in these memes. They'll make you laugh, they'll make you nod your head in agreement, and most of all, they'll make you want to go find your dog and give it a giant pile of love.
Dogs are just so appreciative... how can you not love them?
There's nothing sadder than a sad puppy. Fact.
All he wanted to do was fetch!
Good thinking, pup!
Understandable, no?
I have faith in you, dog.
They might make no sense, but they're still just the cutest, aren't they?
Preach it, pug. Preach it.
Dogs and their sticks... they're just so easily amused!
How could you get mad at a face like that?
It must be nice living the dog life.
Images: MemeCenter