
Zayn's Tattoo Cover Up Makes A Statement

by Caitlyn Callegari

Unlike marriage, there is no real way to physically represent the end of a relationship with a partner. I mean, there's putting the kibosh on the "In a Relationship" status on Facebook, and there is also returning of the ring thing in some engagements, but even that's not as tangible as divorce papers. Especially when, let's be real, one of the two are probably going to pawn it. At least, that's what I'd do. But one celebrity has figured out how to make sure a relationship is buried six feet under in an especially savvy, and yes, physical way. Case in point, Teen Vogue reports that Zayn Malik covered up his tattoo of Perrie Edwards. So, if you were holding out hope on them ever reconciling, you probably should throw in the towel.

To make matters just slightly more final, the picture of a bare chested Malik, and subsequently, his arm that depicted an altered, darker etching, was taken by Gigi Hadid on her Snapchat. Teen Vogue asserts that this is a positive thing, and in a way, it is. The site explains, "The good news is, you can consider this proof that it’s possible to move past both heartbreak and unfortunate tattoos." But if you recall the Edwards and Malik breakup, the heartbreak seemed very one sided and on the Little Mix singer's end of things. So, I am not so sure this is as inspirational as it is a way to announce that part of his life is done forever.

Malik's new girlfriend, albeit probably unintentionally, was the one to reveal the new tattoo(s) that cover up the evidence of his devotion to his former fiancée. That's a metaphor within itself, isn't it? I'm not sure where the fact that Malik was cooking fried chicken in the picture comes in, but I am sure there's a lesson in that, too. You can direct your attention to the snap of Malik, via Hadid's Snapchat account, and another, closer up shot as it is juxtaposed with an older picture of himself. The "Then and Now" comparison done by a fan account for Malik shows just how different the art on his arm is currently.

Hey, I'm not judging. It's Malik's body to do whatever he pleases. And if a tattoo of his ex on his arm wasn't doing it for him anymore, this ink fix seems like it was in his, and his new girlfriend's, best interest.