The 'Stranger Things' Kids Are Best Friends

If you're not watching Stranger Things, what are you doing? If you are, you know that it's one of the greatest shows of the year, a spooky, thrilling mystery that evokes Stephen King, Steven Spielberg, and the movies of the 1980s following innocent kids that are trying to figure out a mystery à la E.T. and The Goonies. While Winona Ryder shines as Joyce Byers in the Netflix series that has been met with crazy critical acclaim, it's really the band of kids that make the show as wonderful as it is: Lucas, Mike, Dustin, Will, and of course Eleven (El). And in real life, the young Stranger Things actors who play best friends on the show are just as close, which is delightful.
Stranger Things is about friendship first and aliens second (or maybe they're tied), and Finn Wolfhard (Will Byers), Gaten Mazzarato (Dustin), Millie Brown (Eleven), Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas), and Noah Schnapp (Mike) formed a bond on set that comes through in the Netflix show. From their photos from behind the scenes, it's no wonder that their friendships were so believable and heartwarming in every single episode. Check out these adorable photos of the best friends behind the scenes of Stranger Things, to tide you over until we find out about Season 2.
This Heartwarming Montage From Eleven
She obviously learned how to evoke nostalgia from her time on the show.
I Want To Hug All These Babies!
:') Go on, get to adventuring. And eat a good breakfast.
Taking Selfies, Like Modern Kids Do
The world of Stranger Things only has walkie talkies and radio equipment. It probably would have been easier to find Will Byers with a smartphone, but much less suspenseful. I'm grateful this cast has them to 'gram, though!
Love, Love, & More Love
Not how many times Mazzarato says the word love in this caption, it's not even enough.
I Want To Be A Part Of This Family
I make a great Eggo waffle.
All Grown Up
I can't handle how small that tie is.
Two Families In One
In which Mazzarato introduces his Stranger Things family to his real life family.
Lunch Is So Exciting
I agree with this level of stoked for lunch.
To when an adorable friendship was born.
The Family That Eats Together...
Makes phenomenal sci-fi content together.
These Kids Are Barb Fans As Much As The Rest Of Us
Shoutout to Barb!
They Love To Eat
Also, one of the only pictures where Mazzarato isn't mega-thrilled. Maybe he is really ready for some snacks.
Catching A Movie
That's not on Netflix.
This Group Hug Wrecks Me
Excuse me, while I'm off sobbing until we find out the fate of Season 2.
Image: Netflix