How To Beat The Monday Blues

It's Sunday night and that all-too-familiar feeling has started to set in: the Monday blues. As the sun sets, you slowly start to think about the work week ahead, and you don't like it. But is there a way to beat the Monday blues without moving to "I don't give AF anymore" island? The answer is yes. A lot of people don't like Mondays because it means the beginning of a five-day work week. Instead of laying on the beach and sipping on margaritas, you're most likely going to be looking at a computer screen while you do some paperwork. Yuck. However, your Mondays don't have to be ruined just because you have a nine-to-five job. There are multiple ways to beat the Monday blues without having to quit your career.
"Do something that makes you feel good about yourself with the way you start a Monday morning. Buy a coffee for a coworker or two, acknowledge another’s good work or offer to help a coworker with an assignment. Do things that allow others to say, 'Thank you!' and appreciate your contributions — no matter how small they may be. You’ll soon realize you look forward to not only starting your week, but allowing someone else’s to be just as grand," says Wirkn's co-founder and CMO Todd Dean in an interview with Bustle over email.
In addition to doing something nice for someone, it's also important to have a positive mindset when it comes to Mondays. If not, you may continue to dread Mondays like the plague. Here are 11 ways to beat the Monday Blues ASAP.
1. Plan A Lunch Or Dinner Date With A Loved One
Instead of stressing about all the work you have to do on Monday, schedule some time to hang out with a loved one before the day is over. You may feel happier about your day if you surround yourself with people who make you happy. "Most people wait until the weekend for rewards. It is critical to reward yourself Monday the most as it is the time when you are least motivated and most down," says licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Kim Chronister in an interview with Bustle over email.
2. Take A Class
Mondays can be hard because you're no longer doing things you like. Extend the weekend by going to a fun class after work with a friend or SO. "Go to an activity class Monday night (creative writing, boxing, dance, martial arts etc.) Activity is one of the most important ingredients for happiness according to positive psychology research," says Chronister.
3. Set Positive Intentions Monday Morning
"Use positive affirmations and set positive intentions Monday morning. Tell yourself 'Today I intend to give and receive.' 'Today I will feel energized in everything I do,'" says Chronister. Setting positive intentions can make you see Mondays through rose-colored glasses. The only reason why you think Mondays are bad is because you believe they are.
4. Do Something Nice For A Coworker
One of the best ways to boost your mood is by doing something nice for a coworker. Offer to help a coworker with an assignment or pay for their lunch when you guys go out. "Studies show that giving to others spikes feel-good neurochemicals in the brain," says Chronister.
5. Use Vacation Time
Hate Mondays? Avoid them entirely by using your vacation time. "Use vacation time (many US workers don’t) without feeling guilt," says eating psychotherapist and author Karen R. Koenig in an interview with Bustle over email.
6. Think About The Positive Features About Your Job
Instead of focusing on what you hate about your job, concentrate on what you love about it to help fight those Monday Blues. "Remind yourself of things you enjoy about work: satisfaction, co-workers, challenges," says Koenig.
7. Schedule Mid-Week Future Plans
It's easier to overcome the Monday Blues if you know you have something to look forward to toward the middle of the week. "Build in pleasures during the work week that you can look forward to, especially mid-week to get you over hump day," says Koenig.
8. Switch Your Thinking
In addition to setting positive intentions, positively talk to yourself about how awesome Mondays actually are. Instead of thinking that Mondays are the worst, focus on how grateful you are to have a job and why you like it. "Stop focusing and telling yourself how much you dread going to work on Mondays; instead, tell yourself how you want to feel when you head to work," says Koenig.
9. Repair & Prepare During The Weekend
While you want to have fun during the weekend, beat the Monday blues by preparing and repairing the day before. "Take the weekend to repair and disconnect from work to mentally prepare for the following week. It can help to prepare sometime during the weekend by making a to-do list to get everything in order before Monday. Doing this will not only let you enjoy your weekend a lot more, but start the first day of the week breathing a little easier," says Dean.
10. Get Dressed Up
You may feel better if you feel and look your best. The night before, pick out a chic outfit so you have something to look forward to Monday morning. "No saying is truer than, 'If you look good, you feel good.' If you’re feeling a little sluggish when Monday rolls around, dress to impress yourself. The confidence a woman [or man] gets in looking her [or him] best gives her [or him] a powerful attitude to conquer the work week," says Dean.
11. Listen To Music
Listening to happy music can alter your mood for the better. Bring your headphones with you so you can listen to your tunes on the way to work to put you in the right frame of mind. "Music impacts your mood for your work, so choosing to listen to a song that you enjoy and can put a smile on your face helps put some energy behind the grunt work. Play some of your favorite feel-good songs to start the day off right and keep it going through that afternoon slump," says Dean.
While some may consider Monday to be the worst day of the week, you, on the other hand, will learn to make the most of it. Take charge of your Mondays by getting dressed up, listening to music, and setting positive intentions for the day. Soon Mondays may even become your favorite day of the week. Maybe.
Images: Pexels