Kylie's Birthday Bundle Is A Must-Have Item

When this girl puts out new makeup people go crazy. The hype surrounding Kylie Cosmetics is well-deserved because the company releases incredible product after incredible product. These Twitter reactions prove Kylie Jenner’s Birthday Bundle is the most-wanted thing she’s released yet.
Despite the $195 price tag, people were willing to do whatever they could to get their hands on this entire collection. And the best way to do that? To spend quite a bit of money and buy everything in bulk. Bundling items together was probably the smartest business move Jenner’s made yet because with the way the site is prone to crashing or refreshing slowly due to high traffic, this makes it easier for customers to get their hands on everything they want all at once. Gotta keep the people happy, you know?
And except for the fact that these products sell out so quickly, people love shopping from Kylie Cosmetics. In fact, knowing these beauty items are hard to get probably makes them all the more covetable. There's no denying if you were lucky enough to have an extra $195 to spare, you’re in for a real treat once the Birthday Collection arrives. Now, all that’s left to do is plan exactly how you’re going to wear your shimmery items or create a strategy for the next time these items restock. Because you’ve got to get your hands on the line before its gone!
Shopping the entire collection means you get the most bang for your buck.
1. Money To Blow
If you've got the money, might as well spend it on makeup.
2. Proud Owner
Making this purchase is the best thing you'll do.
3. Shop In Bulk
PSA: If you don't buy in bulk, this could happen to you.
4. Blessed
#Blessed, indeed.
5. No Self-Control
In this case, no self-control can be a very good thing.
6. Decisions, Decisions
Should you do it? I say yes!
7. Loan
In order to get the Birthday Bundle, I'm going to need a loan.
8. Like, Now
No one is willing to wait for this. We just want it now!
9. I Want It All
Can I just have everything, please?
10. Priorities
I mean, what's more important?
11. Temptation
How could you resist?
Why buy just one item and you could have them all, you know?
Image: kyliecosmetics/Instagram (1)