New Miley Cyrus Images From Marc Jacob Campaign Are Horrific
In January, Marc Jacobs released two images of Miley Cyrus from his Spring 2014 campaign, and while the gritty, despondent vibe of the ads was praised by many, the photos also appeared to house a dark secret: What in the world happened to that red-haired girl?
Now that Marc Jacobs has released the last six images from the campaign, the narrative becomes a little clearer. When we view the shots in the order that they appear on, it becomes obvious just how terrible this evening on the beach was — for everyone involved. Remember: touch darkness, and darkness touches you back. Click through to see the latest images from Cyrus' Marc Jacobs campaign.
Images: Marc Jacobs
SS14 Marc Jacobs Ad Campaign
We begin in media res: the blonde-haired girl in the back has attempted to kill her mortal enemy, the redhead. Cyrus watches over her friend’s gasping body, wondering if anything really does separate humans from the animals. Her experience seems to suggest otherwise, and she finds herself slipping toward nihilism.
SS14 Marc Jacobs Ad Campaign
In a blatant ploy for redemption, the psychopathic blonde decides that everyone should slip into ball gowns — clearly, she’s attempting to recapture some sort of childhood comfort by forcing her friends into a macabre “dress-up” party. Cyrus obliges, afraid to taunt the beast, but worries at the implications of grasping for one’s lost girlhood.
SS14 Marc Jacobs Ad Campaign
The guilt of witnessing such a crime begins to gnaw at Cyrus. Her glasses cloud over in indecision. She’s all but given up on her friends — one, dying; the other, irredeemable?
SS14 Marc Jacobs Ad Campaign
When she hears her former friend muttering incoherently behind her, Cyrus is struck with pity. But is the muttering simply a genius way to garner sympathy? Cyrus feels that she can never be too sure.
SS14 Marc Jacobs Ad Campaign
After coughing up a great deal of arsenic-laced spaghetti, the red-haired girl lives! But she’s not feeling great; the healthy dose of poison has taken its toll. Cyrus constructs a recovery bed from planks of wood, but finds herself unable to speak the consoling, cheerful words she knows she should muster up.
SS14 Marc Jacobs Ad Campaign
As the blonde girl tries to convince her red-headed friend that the whole thing was just a big joke — “I was just trying to scare you! You’ve always been obsessed with toxicology!” — Cyrus can’t take it anymore, and begins to pace obsessively over the sand.
SS14 Marc Jacobs Ad Campaign
Stormclouds roil overhead. The blonde devil appears to be experiencing the withdrawal sweats. But as the last ray of daylight catches Cyrus’ face, she finally knows what she must do.
SS14 Marc Jacobs Ad Campaign
It wasn’t easy. But nobody ever said it would be.