While swiping right has become second nature in how we meet and date people today, have you ever wondered if the way you use dating apps is different from the way everyone else is using them around the country? What about in Europe?While dating apps are not the number one way relationships begin today, they are one of the most effortless, quickest ways to get a date — and they've infiltrated seamlessly into our everyday lives.
You can say "Hey, how's it going?" to a potential ~soulmate~ in between scrolling through Instagram and checking your work email. You have the option of essentially "putting yourself out there" while simultaneously being lazy AF. You might do your best flirting work while sprawled out on your couch halfway through a Dexter marathon or ask someone out while you're waiting for the subway. There's no denying they've changed the dating game.
While dating apps are still a small app category — they only make up four percent of the global mobile population, whereas gaming users make up 77 percent — there's definitely some unique behavior around them. Mobile advertising platform StartApp decided to get to the bottom of dating app behavior (and mobile behavior in general) by looking at data from 1.4 billion global users, since January 2015. From where dating apps are most popular around the world to how many dating apps most people use at once, here's what you need to know about how singles around the world use dating apps from StartApp's report:
1. America Loves Dating Apps
The report found that 33 percent of all global dating app users are based in North America — and at 28 percent, the U.S. has the most dating app users. The U.S. also had the highest intent for online dating, with the highest market acceptance at 9.8 percent.
The lowest amount of dating app users? Australia represents just one percent of the global dating market. Though, their users are willing to try out multiple apps.
2. Most People Only Use ONE Dating App
This one shocked me since most of my friends are on at least three dating apps at a time. Instead, it seems like dating app users actually a very loyal bunch across the world. According to the research, users have an average of 1.33 dating apps and eight out of 10 dating app users only use one dating app.
3. There's A High Concentration Of Users In A Few Top Apps
Dating apps across the globe have a high concentration of users in just a couple of apps. In fact, four dating apps hold 50 percent of the market share.
In the U.S., mid-size dating apps, aka apps outside the top three with at least one percent of users, see a lot of competition since they split the market with the top three apps. So what are the top three apps?
4. The Top Three Straight Apps Are...
Badoo, Tinder, and Mico make up 54 percent of the dating market.
5. The Top Three Gay Apps Are...
LGBT users are active on both gay apps and dating apps that are not specific to the gay community.
Here's what else you should know about dating app usage:
Images: Fotolia; Courtesy of StartApp