16 GIFs That Will Make You Say "Me In The '90s"

The '90s still feel like yesterday, and it's likely because many of us still aren't ready to let go of body glitter and Titanic. In the midst of some serious '90s withdrawal this morning, I compiled a list of GIFs that make me say, "Me in the '90s," because as far as I'm concerned, the days of Clueless, American Girl dolls, and "Waterfalls" never ended. And if I want to parade around the house in my jelly shoes all day, even though I have nowhere to go, I will, gosh darn it.
I'm always entertained by my mom's memories from her childhood — heartwarming stories of having to walk four miles in the snow to go to school, playing with... nothing, because they didn't have toys, and enjoying the selection of three different TV channels. I think the generation before ours definitely had to "rough it" a little bit; in fact, this was probably one thing that motivated my mom to give us the best lives possible. And she did. My childhood in the '90s is bursting at the seams with memories I wouldn't trade for anything.
And if your youth was anything like mine, you can most definitely relate to these 16 GIFs from the '90s.
1. Your Incredible Dance Moves
Before twerking, there was the Carlton.
2. Your High Degree Of Proficiency In Technology
We didn't Google it. We just blew in the Nintendo cartridge to fix it.
3. Your Impeccable Sense Of Fashion
Runway-ready? I think yes.
4. The Ultimate Heartthrob
Ah, JTT. The '90s Channing Tatum. If you were a real fangirl, you had his posters from Tiger Beat plastered all over your bedroom.
5. #RelationshipGoals
That dress was all kinds of amazing.
6. Your Musical Icon
But you couldn't hit any of the high notes. Or... any of the notes, for that matter.
7. That One Dance You Tried To Memorize
I'm the Mary, and you're the Rhoda.
8. Hair Inspiration Like Whoa
Never forget.
9. Your First Pet
Except you kept forgetting to feed him, and, well, we all know how that story ends...
10. Learning Some Knowledge
Because science is cool!
11. You Already Knew Brown Lipstick Was Cool
Let's be clear: We '90s kids knew brown lipstick was cool two decades ago.
12. That Movie You'd Watch When You Were Feeling Emo And Angsty
With the most beautiful plastic grocery bag you'd ever seen.
13. The Only Proper Way To Get In The Holiday Spirit
14. Squad Goals
I was definitely the Jessie Spano of my group — tall, curly, overachieving.
15. Before You Started Caring About Scary Movies
There was only this.
16. And Finally, Betty White, Because Golden Girls
Images: Touchstone Pictures; Giphy (16)