Cancel all your Black Friday shopping plans: According to the Gilmore Guys podcast (as well as a trailer tweeted then deleted by the Italian Netflix account), the Gilmore Girls: A Year In the Life premiere date has reportedly been announced. It's Black Friday, aka November 25. AHHH!
Update: Netflix has now confirmed the premiere date, and also released a short teaser trailer.
Previous: Remember that time Lorelai and Rory had four Thanksgivings in one day? Well, this is going to be way better. While there was some talk about Gilmore Girls god Amy Sherman-Palladino wanting to stagger the release of the four movie-length episodes, you will be able to watch the entire series in one sitting. That's right — an entire year in the lives of Rory and Lorelai will be just a Netflix click away for you to devour.
The second-best part about this news? When you inevitably have to say what you are thankful for during Thanksgiving dinner, you can tell your entire family that you are thankful you have something way better than shopping waiting for you after Thanksgiving dinner: an all-new Gilmore Girls marathon. I'm calling it now, Thanksgiving 2016 is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever.
Start stocking up on coffee now, Gilmore Girls devotees, because Gilmore Girls Revival Day is coming!
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures