When Will 'The Bachelorette' Air?

Now that this season of The Bachelor has come to a close, and Juan Pablo has chosen a lady to live happily ever after with, all thoughts are on The Bachelorette . But when will the summer's hottest dating show air? Chris Harrison explains that the Bachelorette with Andi Dorfman will premiere May 19. Taking a look at past seasons, we had to imagine this year's Bachelorette would air somewhere around the end of May or early June. Considering the show is about 8 weeks long, that will bring us to early August, when we can expect to see the start of The Bachelor's younger brother, Bachelor Pad, begin to air.
The Bachelorette is none other than Andi Dorfman, the woman who left Juan Pablo high and dry after their overnight date. Andi made headlines after she dumped Bachelor J.P. with accusations of being self-centered and arrogant. She claimed he didn't ask her any questions about herself, and was making fun of the Bachelor process. "It's OK," is a phrase she wishes never to hear again, after Juan Pablo uttered the phrase over and over again upon her exit.
We can't wait to see what suitors ABC has lined up for Andi, and whether or not they'll take a hint from Juan Pablo and realize that "language barriers" is hardly a good excuse for poor conversation.
Image: ABC