The 'GoT' Season 7 Teaser Is Here

There were some rather exciting reveals at the Game of Thrones panel discussion during San Diego Comic-Con. The best part, though, was the parting gift: a teaser trailer for Game Of Thrones ' Season 7. Depending on how you like your spoilers — vague vs. blatant — the teaser trailer was full of some serious goodness. It may not look like much in its two-minute run time, but trust me: If you're chomping at the bit as much as I am for next summer to just hurry up and get here, this trailer will leave you feeling a bit more satisfied.
Perhaps the most prominent element of the teaser is the intense production elements of the show. While we hear dialogue from some of Season 6's most pivotal moments (Cersei imprisoning the Shame Nun, Cersei ascending to the Iron Throne, Sansa condemning Ramsay Bolton to death, and even Zombie Mountain clanking around in his armor), we get to marvel at the intricate details of what goes into the set design. If you've got a sharp eye, you'll spot the funerary stones of The Faith (at the 0:18 mark), which no doubt will be used in the Tyrell siblings' funerals, and perhaps even King Tommen's too. It also looks like someone is cooking up another batch of wildfire (around the 1:35 mark). Will there be more threats of wildfire attacks coming from Queen Cersei? There are also clues about more impending battles. Painted coins depicting the sigils of different house are laid on top of a map of Westeros. We get a glimpse into the GoT armory, with different house shields hanging above each section to denote the weapons for a respective house. There's also a lot of armor being shown off. This makes sense, since Daenerys is sailing to Westeros as we (theoretically) speak and she is more than ready to battle for her place on the throne.
The most bittersweet of the many reveals in the teaser, though, is the final line of spoken dialogue. Courtesy of Tyrion, we hear, "Welcome home, my queen." There's no indication of where this line is spoken but it provides a rather emotional payoff for viewers. This line embodies the emotional journey of one of the show's most beloved characters. I can totally envision Tyrion saying this to Daenerys as they approach the port of King's Landing, or maybe even once they take their first steps on land. It may also be the first line of dialogue spoken in the premiere episode of Season 7, which is why they would let it be heard in the teaser (as opposed to other details being under lock and key).
Summer 2017 can't get here soon enough.
Images: Courtesy of HBO