Whenever there's a major event in any given city, that city's wittiest pervs (and I mean that in the good way) get the chance to craft super creative sex classifieds. Cleveland's RNC Craigslist Casual Encounters are no exception. The Republican National Convention was in town, meaning that there were plenty of visiting tourists, politicians, reporters, and fried interns looking to let off steam at the end of (or possibly in the middle of) any given hectic convention day. Colin Jost even joked about looking for Tiffany Trump on Tinder! For the kind folks of Cleveland, this means a major influx of potential casual hookups who were guaranteed to skip town by the end of the week. Add to the equation the thrilling taboo of "conservative party ideals," and you know the Casual Encounters section is a veritable kink-fest.
As The Daily Dot pointed out, most of the ads come from men seeking men and are pretty wild, which paints a fun picture of the underbelly of conservative politics, no? But there are handful of women and couples also cruising for an RNC fling, and plenty of clever straight dudes busting out their best political sex puns in honor of the festive occasion. Here are a few of the best ones.
1. Would Be Super Hot If You Kept Your Convention Outfit On...
Is this guy even wrong, though?
2. This Seems Like A Great Opportunity To Have Your Face On MSNBC
Hi, America!
3. "Must Be Straight"
Ooh, any guesses as to who this "political rising star" could be?
4. "Take A Break From Your Delusions"
Honestly, this sounds like a submissive's dream.
5. "Drive Me Until I'm A Trump Supporter"
This might take some work.
6. A Journey To The Dark Side
Hate sex, anyone?
7. "Be Mean / Be Honest"
This guy just wants to help out.
8. "Married Mom"
I'd bet a hundred dollars her husband is No. 1.
9. "RNC Couple For College Boy"
This is one intern's lucky listing.
10. Must Have Great Instagram
Seriously, if you don't have good selfies, don't bother.
Happy one-night-stand hunting, RNC-goers!
Images: Screenshots/Craigslist (10)