The 7 Most Common Summer Skin Infections
Yay, summer! While barbecues, hikes, and trips to the beach sound amazing, they're also a recipe for skin issues. Here's seven skin infections you can get over the summer and what you should look out for to ensure you don't catch any of them.
Most people experience some sort of skin issue during the summertime. A nasty bug bite, a stinging sunburn, or even a case of Athlete's foot is common for this time of year. Moisture and activity can cause tons of problems, but if you know how to prevent them, you can have baby smooth skin all summer long.
Any sort of peeling, redness, itching, burning, blisters, or soreness on the skin can be a sign of something you need to look into. Typically, topical OTC medication can solve whatever snafu you have, but it's important to get a doc's opinion on anything that persists, especially anything that blisters or bleeds and won't quit.
During the summer, you should work to keep things clean and dry, and always wear sunscreen and protective clothing when you're out and about. And if you have any cuts or scrapes, stay away from any water that isn't a well-maintained pool. (You've been warned!)
Here's all the different skin infections you can pick up this summer, and how to prevent them (or fight them off).
1. Swimmer's Itch
If you're swimming and wading in water, you can experience Swimmer's Itch — it's a rash that can develop in fresh water lakes and ponds and occasionally salt water. It's an allergic reaction to tiny parasites in the water, and it usually clears up in a few days.
2. Seabather's Eruption
Unlike Swimmer's Itch, Seabather's Eruption happens in salt water and can cause blistering. Larvae trapped in swimwear like fins, wet suits, and T-shirts and their stings can cause headache, fatigue, or even vomiting. If this happens to you, try not to rub your skin and take an antihistamine.
3. Athelete's Foot
Athlete's Foot is a fungal infection affecting the foot, and it's usually contracted in summertime. You can experience peeling, itching, or redness. In severe cases, you can develop soreness and need oral medication. Typically, OTC meds and staying away from warm, wet environments clears it up.
4. Hot Tub Rush (aka Folliculitis)
Smashing a six-pack while soaking in the hot tub may not be the best idea. Soaking in contaminated water can cause Hot Tub rash, an infection that causes itchy white or red bumps all over the body. It clears up in a few days without medical treatment, but to avoid it try not to soak for too long.
5. Yeast Infection
You can contract a yeast infection in your lady bits, for sure, but also on skin anywhere on your torso and neck. It shows up as tan, scaly patches and the best way to prevent it is to shower immediately after working out or sweating it out in the sun.
6. Molluscum Virus
While this virus mostly occurs in kids, you can get white bumps all over your body lasting up to four years! The cause? Too much chlorinated water. This virus passes from skin-to-skin contact, so the best way to avoid it is to swim in clean pools and wash off as soon as you're done.
7. Bug Bites
Bug bites are generally par for the course during the summer, but they can also cause Lyme disease or West Nile virus in extreme cases. Scratching can lead to infections, so do your best to keep hands off! Use lemon-based scents to keep bugs at bay.
Image: Pexels; Andrew Zaeh/Bustle