9 Signs You Should Stay In & Read This Weekend

If you've just been invited to multiple birthday bashes or a girls night out to celebrate a promotion or engagement, and find yourself unsure of whether or not you want to go, it may be a sign you should read a book instead of going out this weekend. When it comes to the weekend, most of the time I'd rather stay in, cuddle up with a blanket, and read or write. But going out is usually essential to keeping a healthy social life, so sometimes I have to switch it up a bit.
Being an introvert usually comes with the desire to be a homebody for life, and luckily for us, books exist — which makes that lifestyle more exciting and more fulfilling all at the same time. You should never feel bad about wanting to stay in, especially if you've had a long day or need some alone time to yourself. Books are one of the best forms of therapy, after all.
It's hard to cancel on friends, especially if you're always canceling (like me) in the first place. It can become worrisome, but as long as you're honest with yourself and the people around you, it'll be just fine. So if you're still unsure of whether to stay in this weekend or go out, these 9 signs will help you make that decision pretty quickly:
1. You Can't Stop Thinking About That New Book You Started Or Just Bought
If you just ordered a bunch of new books, and you got the delivery text that they've arrived and are waiting for you — odds are you can't stop thinking about heading home. Also, if you just started a new book that hooked you in right away and you're aching to get back to it, it's a sure sign to stay in this weekend and read.
2. You've Had A Somewhat Difficult Day And Just Want To Relax
It's been a long day, and you'd rather read a book to relax than go to happy hour. There's nothing wrong with that. Grab some hot tea and a good back, and curl in for a relaxing night alone.
3. Being Social Sounds Like A Nightmare Right Now
If the thought of hanging out with people makes you cringe, then pick up your books and hang out with some fictional friends.
4. You Want To Go On An Adventure Without Annoying Drunk People
I'm a major introvert, but I also love going on adventures and trying new things. The problem is, when I do go out, it's fun for a little while, and then I desperately want to go back home. If you have the slightest inkling of not wanting to be around your drunk friends or make awkward chit-chat with guys or girls at the bar, tell your pals you're busy and spend some quality time with a book or two instead.
5. You Have A Bottle Of Wine Waiting For You At Home, And You Don't Want To Be Judged For How Or How Much You Drink Of It
Who wants to pay for a $12 glass of rose when you have a bottle in your fridge three times cheaper than that waiting for you at home? If you want wine, get your wine and drink it with a book, because honestly there's no better pairing.
6. You'd Rather Wake Up Refreshed Than Exhausted Or Hungover
If you have something important to do tomorrow and want to feel refreshed, don't go out. It may sound like motherly advice, but we all know our mothers were on to something.
7. You Just Want To Snuggle Up With A Cozy Blanket
If the only thing on your mind is your bed and favorite blanket, stay indoors and get extra cuddly-cozy with a good book.
8. You Haven't Had Enough "Me-Time"
You might find yourself exhausted and worn out because you haven't taken the time to just do nothing and enjoy relaxing. Make yourself a bubble bath, grab your book, and enjoy some "me time" with a great story.
9. You Get Excited Just Thinking About Finishing Your Book
Throughout the entire day you've been thinking about this book — maybe sneaking peeks at it in your purse, or thinking about the characters while you should've been preparing for that meeting — then that's a big sign that you'd much rather stay in and read than go out anywhere else this weekend.
Images: fotostorm/E+/Getty Images; Giphy (9)