Here's Why Kylie Jenner Named A Lip Kit "Kristen"

It wasn’t officially summer until just now. Because while you may have been sweating as soon as you stepped outside for weeks now, the season’s just not in full swing until Kylie Jenner releases her summer shades. With such fun shades and interesting names in the mix, you may be wondering, what does the name for the "Kristen" Lip Kit mean? Well, you’ll be pleased to know that slicking this bold shade onto your lips represents a super special and fierce woman, just like you. Not to mention, it'll give you all of the summertime feels!
Jenner tweeted that Kristen is her middle name, which also happens to be her mom’s name. I can’t think of a more powerful woman that Kris Jenner, so I’d say wearing this shade should make you feel a little extra incredible. Nothing like a coral lippie baring such an important name to put a pep in your step, you know?
Kristen is the brightest of the three shades Jenner released as part of her summer collection. The other two, Maliboo and Ginger are great colors, too, but it’s Kristen that’s a standout of the bunch, if you ask me. Jenner’s got a thing for naming shades after important people (and even animals) in her life, so I’d say that her mom and momager was definitely deserving of a shade all her own. And this statement-making lip color is the perfect tribute.
I'd be willing to bet she made her mom very proud with this one!
Jenner's a huge supporter of her daughter's cosmetics company.
And now she joins the ranks of her own mom, Mary Jo, as well as Kourtney and Khloé Kardashian, who all have shades named after them.
Jenner described this color as a "strawberry matte," and it's definitely a unique addition to her collection.
It's seems to be just the right mixture of coral and a deep pink.
It's just so pretty.
It makes for a lovely lip look.
Kris Jenner's got to approve of this lipstick. It'd be hard not to love a fun, yet sophisticated color like this.
Images: kyliecosmetics/Instagram (1); kylizzlemynizzyl/Snapchat (4)