Whether you got your most recent hickey in middle school or just the other day, it's probably not the last hickey you'll receive in your life. Therefore you'll need an array of hickey covering tricks at your disposal, including how to cover a hickey if you don't have makeup. Whether you love the the feeling of getting a hickey in the heat of the moment or not, it's fair to say that we've all had days where we've needed to cover one up at the last minute. While you should always be confident in yourself and your decisions, it's understandable that everyone might not like the unwanted attention that comes with sporting a hickey in a visible place; namely raised eyebrows from nosey work colleagues, judgmental strangers staring at you on your commute, or your mom asking prying questions about your sex life ~cringe~.
If you just can't be bothered with all the hassle – especially on a Monday morning – you're probably going to want to cover up your new, natural skin art. But, what do you do if you've left your makeup at your place, ran out of concealer, or you don't wear makeup? Here are some ways you can cover up a hickey without using makeup, for all your future hickey emergencies!
1. The Breezy Scarf
If it's fall or a chilly day, a light scarf is the way to go. Nobody will catch on to your secret! If it's autumn, you get bonus points for a fall themed scarf like this fox print design, because then it'll just look like you're getting into the spirit of the season.
2. The Neckerchief
Come over all Sookie Stackhouse meets air hostess with an adorable neckerchief, that'll give your ensemble a polished finish.
3. The Choker
This hickey hiding hack depends both on the size of your hickey and the size of your choker. Try your choker on for size and see if it covers your hickey – if it does, nobody will be any the wiser, as chokers are insanely fashionable right now.
4. The Pretty Lace
If you don't have a choker, this is a pretty good option. Either raid your craft drawer for a scrap piece of lace, or cut up an old pair of (clean) lace panties to DIY yourself a super cute, choker-esque accessory. Pin it at the back and wear your hair over it if you don't have a needle and thread to hand.
5. The Bandaid
Nowadays, it's not uncommon for ladies to shave their faces, so if anyone asks, tell them you got in a fight with your razor while experimenting with shaving your neck fuzz.
6. The Slap Bracelet
Do you still have a slap bracelet lying around the house from your childhood? If so, wrap it around your neck and rock an athleisure vibe; you never know, you might start a new fad!
7. The Shirt Collar
If your hickey is placed low on your neck, or you've got a shirt with an oversized collar, this is probably the most discreet hack of them all.
8. The Temporary Tattoo
Pick a cool temporary tattoo that matches or exceeds the circumference of your hickey and you're on to a winner.
9. The Novelty Scarf
Oh, it's not '90s themed Friday at the office? My bad!
10. The Body Glitter
When you turn up to work with glitter on your neck, just tell everyone you're channeling Britney circa the late '90s. On the other hand, you can apply body glitter atop your hickey to look fabulous while silently saying, "Yeah, I've got a hickey! And?"
So next time you find yourself with a visible hickey, put the turtle-neck down and try out one of these hickey covering methods instead!
Images: Phoebe Waller