Book-Lovers' Habits Non-Readers Don't Understand

We all have unique hobbies that come with their own set of quirks, but sometimes it seems that book lovers have some weird habits. Admit it: If you love to read, you have a long list of little things you do because of this hobby, and your friends who don’t share a love of books just don’t get it. You’ve tried to explain, but for some reason, non-readers sometimes just can’t relate to your bookish struggles. While they’re busy with their own hobbies, they’re staring at you wondering what in the world you’re doing.
Simultaneously, your fellow book lovers are staring at you because they’ve definitely been in your shoes before. I always feel an affinity with fellow readers, because I can’t help thinking that they understand a very important part of me, and I understand an important part of them. Which means we both understand the weirdness that comes with the territory.
Whether you love to read literary fiction, YA, nonfiction, or any other number of genres, just being a book lover puts you in a very special group of people. So never fear. We literature aficionados can completely understand all those weird habits that you have… even if non-readers don’t.
1. Leaving Books In Random Places
You have a bookshelf, but you've also left books in other (admittedly weird) places. It's not unusual for you to wake up, roll over, and disturb a pile of novels you left amidst the covers. And pretty much every nook and cranny of your living space is full of books, because who can fit everything on just one bookshelf??
2. Completely Missing A Conversation Because You're Reading
Some people need peace and quiet to read, but you could lose yourself in a book and miss an entire conversation. Your friend could be abducted by an alien and return... and you'd still be reading.
3. Being Really Frugal... Except When It Comes To Books
You're SO good with your money... until you walk into a bookstore. Suddenly, you're just throwing stacks of bills at the cashier so you can get that beautiful copy of Pride and Prejudice that you NEED. Never mind the fact that you still have a TBR pile that's rivaling the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
4. Spending Hours In A Bookstore Or Library
Speaking of bookstores, you could spend a lot of time in one. And libraries are basically black holes to you, because when you walk in, it's the morning, and when you walk out, it's dark outside. Still, you have no better happy place than a room full of books.
5. Talking For A Weirdly Long Time About The Smell Of Books
Every book lover has waxed poetic at one point or another about the smell of books.
6. Talking About Fictional Characters As If They're Real
You've had long, drawn-out conversations with fellow book lovers about fictional characters, as if they're real people. Because in a way, they are real to you. And when non-readers ask who you're talking about and you try to explain, they're completely mystified by your intense dedication to the personal life of someone who exists only on the page. It's fine; let them be confused. You know how much it matters.
7. Being Very Particular About How You Arrange Your Bookshelf
Maybe you arrange your bookshelf alphabetically, or by color, or by a complicated system based on your current favorites. Whatever the system, you hate to have it disrupted, and you are very particular about the overall aesthetic of your bookshelf.
8. Getting Into Heated Arguments About Literature
If someone doesn't like your favorite book, that is complete justification for an all-out argument. In fact, few things get you more heated than arguing about books.
9. Having Strong Feelings About Book-To-Movie Adaptations
Speaking of book-related arguments, you've had a couple about book-to-movie adaptations. Whether you loved or hated the movie version, if your favorite book was turned into a movie, you probably have very strong feelings about the process. Also, you're still upset that you weren't asked to star in it.
10. Packing A Suitcase Full Of Books
Yes, it is necessary to have two suitcases: one for supplies, and one for books. Because even if non-readers don't understand, you know how important it is to always be prepared. And being prepared means having plenty of reading material at the ready.
Images: Giphy (1), Instagram/readsleepfangirl (2), Focus (1), Paramount (1), Warner Bros. Television (1)