We've all been there: It's the night of a big event, and seemingly out of nowhere a huge zit reveals itself smack in the middle of your face. You think that popping it will make things better — I can attest to the fact that there is nothing worse than being out and realizing you have a massive white head pulsing on your face — but then, as soon as you do it, you're left with a swollen, red ring that your makeup refuses to stick to. Then, of course, all you want to do is pick at it or try popping it again to fix the situation, and the cycle becomes endless. So how do you cover a popped pimple?
Besides the obvious answer of "don't pop it to begin with," (I know, I know, but I had to say it.) there are a few things you can do to to cover the irritated mess that's left behind when you pick at your face. Start by washing your face with a non-comedogenic cleanser, like Cetaphil, then lather on an oil-free moisturizer. Keeping your face clean and hydrated is important for preventing future breakouts, and the last thing you want when you're trying to get rid of one horrible pimple is to have a dozen more popping up the next morning.
And it's important to remember — as frustrating as pimples are, it's not the end of the world. Nobody will ever notice it as much as you notice it on yourself, and as long as you take proper care of your skin it will be cleared up in no time.
1. Prep With A Mattifying Serum
Skin Balancing Super Antioxidant Concentrate Serum, $34, Paulas Choice
A serum, like this one, will take the shine away from from the lesion on your skin and make it easier for the makeup to go on smoothly. The retinol and antioxidants in the formula will help treat your skin as you wear it, which will aid in the healing process and ensure that you won't be dealing with the aftermath of your pimple popping for multiple days.
2. Try A Liquid Bandage
New Skin Liquid, $4, Walmart
Liquid bandages shouldn't be used to treat acne, but in case of an emergency it will help bind the skin together and allow the concealer to adhere to the area. Put this on before your concealer, and let it dry completely before applying any makeup on top.
3. Find A Concealer That Matches Your Skin Perfectly
Tarte Amazonian 12 Hour Waterproof Concealer, $23, Ulta
Color correcting concealers (like greens, purples and peaches) are great for covering dark spots and other blemishes, but when it comes to a popped pimple your best bet is to use a matte concealer that matches your skin tone exactly. Stick concealers, like this one from Tarte, go on thick and provide heavy, lasting coverage.
4. Apply Foundation The Right Way
Bare Minerals Original Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF15, $29, Bare Essentuals
Apply powder foundation with a brush to cover the zit without making your skin look totally caked on. If you want to use liquid or cream, make sure you dab carefully around the pimple to avoid spreading the concealer you've so carefully applied.
5. Layer On The Coverage
Boots No7 Concealer Brush, $7, Walgreens
Because the foundation will inevitably move some of the concealer you've already applied, you'll need another round to ensure full coverage. Using a concealer brush, put some concealer in the center of the lesion and then blend outward until the area is completely covered. Let the concealer set, then continue to add more by repeating the process if necessary.
6. Set With Powder
Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder, $23, Sephora
Once your lesion is totally lathered in concealer, foundation and more concealer, the last thing you need to do is dust the area with powder to keep everything in place. Use a small, soft eyeshadow brush to keep the powder localized to the area of the pimple, though feel free to use a big powder brush on the rest of your face.
7. Use A Bandaid
NexCare Steri-Strip Skin Closure, $7, Jet
... I'm not kidding. When all else fails, stick a tiny bandaid over the blemish and call it a day. I personally prefer Dora The Explorer bandages (yes, I do have a stash in my bathroom and yes, I do wear them) but if you want to be discrete try a nude bandage and use foundation over and around it.
Images: Anatolijs Jascuks / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images; Courtesy of Brands