'Big Brother's Aaryn Gets Racist Again, and 10 Other Offensive Quotes Heard on Reality TV
During Sunday night's episode of Big Brother, viewers watched both Julie Chen and fellow houseguest Amanda try to inform Aaryn that she had spent the season offending others for her racist and homophobic remarks. Aaryn, however, refused to apologize for her words, telling Chen, "I am just a very open person," and Amanda, "I wish I cared more about this, but I don't." Clearly — on Sunday night, after Helen picked up the Head of Household win, Aaryn was heard on the live feeds taunting the African-American Candice with, “Whatchu gon do gurrl? Where’s yo class?” while fellow houseguest GinaMarie said, "You want the black to come out?” But Aaryn and GinaMarie aren't the only reality show contestants to not fear the Big Brother watching — here are 10 other sexist, racist, homophobic, or just flat-out terrible quotes heard on reality TV.
Aaryn's a Racist, and She Doesn't Care
During Sunday night's episode of Big Brother, viewers watched both Julie Chen and fellow houseguest Amanda try to inform Aaryn that she had spent the season offending others for her racist and homophobic remarks. Aaryn, however, refused to apologize for her words, telling Chen, "I am just a very open person," and Amanda, "I wish I cared more about this, but I don't." Clearly — on Sunday night, after Helen picked up the Head of Household win, Aaryn was heard on the live feeds taunting the African-American Candice with, “Whatchu gon do gurrl? Where’s yo class?” while fellow houseguest GinaMarie said, "You want the black to come out?” But Aaryn and GinaMarie aren't the only reality show contestants to not fear the Big Brother watching — here are 10 other sexist, racist, homophobic, or just flat-out terrible quotes heard on reality TV.
Jeff Schroeder, 'Big Brother 13'
On Harry Potter character Dumbledore being gay: “I don’t think it’s the right thing to have a little kids’ book, and have the headmaster that you’re locked away in a magical land be gay. I don’t think that’s the right thing to do." Image: CBS
Jordan, 'Real World: Portland'
The Caucasian Jordan on his fight with the African-American Nia: "She calls me a n*gger. Calls me a n*gger ... so I started making monkey noises at her." Image: MTV
Spencer Pratt, 'The Hills'
On wife Heidi Montag's mother: "She's just a vagina!" Image: MTV
Spencer Clawson, 'Big Brother 15'
"'No' means 'keep trying.'" Image: CBS
Russell Hantz, 'Survivor: Samoa'
"It is day one now, I got an alliance with the dumb short hair blonde, and even dumber long hair blonde and the dark hair girl. I like to call it my dumbass girl alliance." Image: CBS
Sara, 'Princesses: Long Island'
After Jeff told her to "take a stroll": "This douchebag loser is poking at me ... alright f*ggot." Image: Bravo
Justin Sebik, 'Big Brother 2'
To Krista, before getting evicted from the game: "Would you get mad if I killed you?" Image: CBS
Abby Lee Miller, 'Dance Moms'
To young dancer Kendall: "Are you crying? No tears. You save those tears for your pillow, in your room, alone. You're going to humiliate yourself in front of everyone in this dressing room. Do not cry. Suck it up, kid. You are here, you're healthy, you are one lucky little girl. Act like it." Image: TLC
Flavor Flav, 'Flavor of Love 3'
Nicknaming two female twin contestants:: "Thing 1 and Thing 2." Image: Vh1
Shian Ingram, 'Toddlers & Tiaras'
"My mom puts a girdle on me to go to bed." Image: TLC