I already know you like seeing the Game of Thrones actors in modern day clothing, because it's such a jolt, so I just know you're gonna enjoy the goodbye present that Carice van Houten got Kerry Ingram when the latter left the show. (Or maybe it was the other way around? It's honestly hard to tell from the post, but I'm guessing that since she posted it, van Houten was the gift-giver.) Now granted, this is a huge cast, so no worries if you don't recognize the names of the actors that I just threw out there — van Houten plays Melisandre, and Ingram played Shireen Baratheon. So these two clearly have some history on the show; for anyone who remembers the... ahem... circumstances of Shireen's departure from the show, the fact that the actress playing Melisandre got her a farewell gift at all should make you sit up and take notice. In short, as we were reminded in the Season 6 finale on Jun. 26, Melisandre was responsible for burning the be-grayscaled young princess alive in Season 5.
It was a really tough episode to watch, and part of me would expect there to be weird feelings between the two actresses, since van Houten is at least by proxy the reason that Ingram doesn't have a job anymore. Or maybe I'm the only person immature enough to think that way? Either way, it hasn't gotten in the way of the bond between these two castmates, as they've actually leaned hard into celebrating their characters' troubled journey. How, you might ask? Welp, the gift that van Houten got Ingram to honor her leaving the show was — a Quick Start DuraFlame Log. Um, excuse me? As in, poking fun at the way her character ended her time on the show? "Awkward farewell presents" is right, holy crap.
Whoops, I'm dead, because this is the most insane thing I've ever seen. On a scale from one to Kit Harington in jeans and a t-shirt, this is off-the-charts as far as a jarring look behind-the-scenes of Game of Thrones. But I guess I should expect it from them by now. There's so much turnover in actors and bad blood between the survivors that all you can really do is laugh at it and let it bring you closer together, at this point. Even when it's super awkward.
Image: HBO