
Season Finale Spoilers On The 'GoT' Soundtrack?

by Allie Gemmill

The worst time of the year is nearly upon us once again: Game of Thrones is about to air its season finale and go off the air for months. Though I'm dying to see the finale, I'm not exactly looking forward to the months of GoT-less programming. One thing that could make me feel better right now, I guess, is a teensy-weensy spoiler for the finale — but no, it seems that the Many-Faced God is intent upon depriving us with any information. Sure, we've gotten little snippets here and there, but is it enough to freak out over? No. What's truly egregious is that the GoT powers that be have turned the GoT fandom into a pack of ravenous Bolton dogs, snapping our teeth crazily because we're so starved for information we'll jump onto any little tidbit of information we're given. Which is exactly what is about to happen as I unpack the somewhat spoiler-y Game of Thrones Season 6 soundtrack, which was released on June 24.

Let me put on my music critic hat for a hot sec and say this soundtrack is spot. On. Perfection. Sure, you can totally revel in the aural magic that is elicited from every song. Yes, there are some amazing bonus tracks, like the music from the Tower of Joy sequence. But the biggest and best bit about this album? It's those last three official songs: "Winter Has Come," "Hear Me Roar," and "The Winds of Winter." Three very intense titles, don't you think? Almost like they're going to be scoring some very major scenes? Perhaps some rather chilling, life-changing, super-serious scenes?

Going by the song titles alone, there's some big things to draw out. "Winter Has Come" could finally signify what we've all been thinking would happen for some time: the White Walkers finally arrive south of The Wall. Similarly, winter could literally arrive. Either way, the approach of winter has been talked about since the very first episode (whose title is "Winter Is Coming") and it would be an omen of major things to come if we saw those snow drifts shaping up in the south.

"Hear Me Roar" instantly leaves you equating lions with the Lannisters which means it's time for a trial — by wildfire? — people. This trail has been building for a long time throughout the season. With Cersei and Loras Tyrell's trials looming, the rumors of possible hidden wildfire in King's Landing threatening to raze the city and Tommen's role as king threatened, there's plenty of potential for the Lannisters to do a lot of roaring before the end credits roll. Oh, not to mention that "Hear Me Roar" is the Lannister's official family motto. No biggie, we'll just have the Lannisters going and changing the course of history, yet again.

Then, we arrive at "The Winds of Winter": the title, song and motif we've been working towards this whole season. The winds of winter will probably blow coldly, swiftly and cruelly through Westeros, once the kingdom is plunged into winter. That is not solely literal but metaphorical as well. We've seen then tension, by GoT standards, calmly build steadily towards a breaking point (as seen in "Battle of the Bastards") this season. "Battle" heralded in the violence and bloodshed we viewers are so used to being inundated with; "Winds" is a song filled with epic choral music, a steady drumbeat and the crescendoing energy that feels like a major arrival is coming. It also sounds like the kind of song that would be scoring an action-packed final act, full of death, reunions, battle cries and dragons.

Music has always had an integral relationship to GoT. Think back to the Red Wedding and the song, The National's "The Rains of Castamere," a song both beautiful and deadly that heralded the ensuing violence. Music has scored this show, but it has also be a major indicator of what to expect. Have a listen to, what I believe, is the most telling song on the soundtrack, and see what all the fuss is about.

Images: Helen Sloan/HBO; Giphy