The Freakazoids were at risk for eviction Thursday night on Big Brother, with Corey, Glenn, Tiffany (aka Vanessa's sister) and returning player Nicole at risk. This week, the four members of the losing team competed to see who would be on their way out. It was a close competition, but in the end, Glenn was the first contestant out of the house. That's right, Glenn is the first eviction from Big Brother Season 18.
The first eviction challenge tested the Freakazoids' balance and strength in a physical challenge. As Julie previously explained, the last person to complete their test would be immediately evicted. As for the first one to complete the task, they would get to pick the Head of Household out of the remaining three team members. As if that wasn't stressful enough, the new contestants — or the newbies, as they like to be called — have formed a tentative alliance (though Corey isn't so sure he's on board). Nicole, seeing that this challenge could mean her end, makes a deal with Corey, essentially saying that if he wins the challenge and she doesn't lose, he'll make her HoH. It turns out, Nicole didn't need to make the deal at all: she was the first team member to complete her task, meaning she's safe from immediate eviction and is this summer's first HoH, a role she pretended she didn't want but took on anyway.
The end result was close, with both Glenn and Corey completing the challenge at nearly the same time. Unfortunately for Glenn, he lost by a hair, and became the first houseguest evicted on BB18. "I gave it my all," he said. Glenn, we barely knew you.
Images: Monty Brinton/CBS