A Definitive Ranking Of All 72 New Unicode 9 Emoji

With texts becoming the sole form of communication between people, emoji have become a staple on phones across the board. You can tell people exactly what you are doing and how you are feeling with a few pictures. Like hieroglyphics before them, emoji are invaluable to this generation.
Since language evolves and changes, emoji go through the same process. More and more "words" are being added each year, making communication through them much easier. Unicode is the organization responsible for creating the emoji — since they are a part of an international coding standard that needs to be overseen and approved. Unicode assigns each individual emoji a unique numeric value which is standard across all platforms. With more and more of them being approved we can get expect updates, like the most recent one, every year.
With this batch of emoji we will be seeing 72 new additions to the already colorful collections on our phones. In an attempt to be more gender inclusive, a lot of the added emoji are male versions of the popular female characters. And because I am addicted to emoji, I decided to give a definitive rank to all 72 of them, from most important to least interesting. Below is the video of all of them.
And here (insert drumroll, please) is the definitive ranking:
1. Bacon
Perfect for letting people know you love something a lot. Anyone who wants to argue that this isn't definitively the best emoji of this batch does not deserve a spot in the breakfast buffet line of any free breakfast, EVER.
2. Facepalm
With the amount of mistakes I make throughout the day, this emoji will come in handy.
3. Champaign Clinking
For holidays and general celebrations and, y'know, Tuesday.
4. Dancing Man
A young, Saturday-Night-Fever-John-Travolta looking emoji never hurt anyone.
5. Black Heart
Anyone who was ever a My Chemical Romance fan or went through an emo phase will love this.
6. Whiskey Drink
Classy drinking night out will need this one, for sure.
7. Owl
Your friends deserve to know how wise their advise makes them sound.
8. Cucumber
Not all ~members~ look like eggplants.
9. Pinocchio
If your friend screenshots your conversation and then sends it to you by accident...
10. Shopping Cart
You're unable to hang out because you're currently having a ball in the frozen food aisle.
11. Gymnastics
With the Olympics around the corner this will be useful — I personally would use this to denote celebratory feelings.
12. Bat
The closest you can come to having a Batman emoji.
13. Potato
Awkward potato FTW.
14. Canoe
I think this is another perfect way to show that something is awkward or that you hold a very unpopular opinion.
15. Avocado
How else can you say perfection?
16. Shallow Pan Of Food
If I invite you over, expect deliciousness.
17. Clown
There aren't enough scary emojis at our disposal, and thus this clown was born.
18. Motor Scooter
This is the only way to tell people you were just watching The Lizzie McGuire Movie.
19. Mother Christmas
I mean, who else gets all the elves ready for Christmas?
20. Sneezing Face
With spring comes allergy season.
21. Pancakes
The hangover food of the gods.
22. Green Salad
Simplifying restaurant orders has never been easier.
23. Card Game Heart
I want to really show you how much I love you and apparently the other hearts were not enough.
24. Raised Back Of Hand
This might mean a backhanded compliment or help complete the single ladies dance move if combined with Front Facing Hand.
25. Octagonal Sign
I won't even let the conversation go there and you'll know it.
26. Peanut
Cute nicknames just got an emoji.
27. Boxing Glove
Soul Cycle doesn't have an emoji yet, so I guess this will do.
28. Lizard
In case you really need to tell people want kind of insurance you have.
29. Juggling
I CAN have it all.
30. Stuffed Flat Bread
A very specific food item that can work as a sandwich in a pinch.
31. Baguette
If I'm ever in France this will really help me out.
32. Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Because ROFL is just too time consuming?
33. Shrug
People get angry at IDK so this will have to suffice.
34. Pregnant
Surprise pregnancy announcements just got 20 times more whimsical.
35. Man In Tuxedo
You would only use this around prom and the Oscars.
36. Left Facing Fist
I assume this is a fist bump?
37. Butterfly
I feel like you would be sending a picture to people inside of the emoji.
38. Drum
I wait with baited breath to know what those three dots at the bottom of the screen will ultimately say.
39. Carrot
An oddly specific food.
40. Eagle
You with use this when feeling super patriotic or protective of younger siblings.
41. Hand Shake
I don't see myself telling my boss I closed the deal with this emoji.
42. Fingers Crossed
I just can't see myself using this all that often, but with election season coming up ... we need all the hope we can get.
43. Selfie
Again, you most likely send a selfie instead of an emoji depicting a selfie. This is too meta for real life.
44. Deer
I can only see this being sent after a hunting trip or a car accident.
45. Face With Cowboy Hat
I just don't ever see myself using this unless talking about Bo Burnham's amazing song from his new Netflix special Make Happy.
46. Prince
For men who are acting a little spoiled.
47. Shark
PRO-TIP: If you need to tell someone about a shark, you should be yelling it into the water. They won't have their phones on them anyway.
48. Shrimp
That singular hair thing on its head is the only reason this is not higher on the list.
49. Call Me Hand
This can be mistaken for the "hang loose" sign so easily. I didn't think it was call me at all! WHO CALLS EACH OTHER ANYMORE ANYWAY??
50. Fox
Cool addition to the animal family.
51. First Place Metal
I don't know that many Olympic athletes who are competing and need my congratulations.
52. Croissant
This needed to be more delicious looking to place higher. I usually rank food emoji in the top 30.
53. Nauseated Face
You should run to the bathroom instead of texting.
54. Rhino
I guess you can send this after going to the zoo.
55. Duck
I guess you really want to tell people about your day.
56. Glass Of Milk
A gentle reminder for stronger bones.
57. Spoon
Just seems to only exist as the accompaniment to the fork — I'll be more impressed when there's a little spoon emoji to go with it.
58. Wrestling
I'd rather use this to denote a fight than wrestling.
59. Goal Net
My goal is to use this the least amount possible. (Get it?)
60. Right Facing Fist
I can't explain why this is ranked so much lower than the left one but it is. Deal with it. I AM YOUR EMOJI GOD NOW.
61. Gorilla
King Kong ain't got nothing on me.
62. Second Place Medal
Why would anyone send someone a second place medal? This is bullying.
63. Martial Arts Uniform
Nothing says martial arts like staying inside and sending someone this emoji.
64. Kiwifruit
Again ... not all members look like the eggplant. (Sorry not sorry.)
65. Fencing
Literally the only person using this is Sulu from Star Trek.
66. Scooter
This hasn't been relevant since 2003.
67. Red Card Heart
We have so many hearts already! We don't need more! YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US.
68. Squid
Offering one more, last-minute, horrifying alternative for the eggplant emoji. And then I'll stop. (Maybe.)
69. Egg
When will you ever use this? Honestly. Think about it. When!?
70. Third Place Medal
Third is the one with the hairy chest, so ... no thanks.
71. Handball
If I thought about what this was for like five minutes and decided it was a soccer goalie lunging, maybe other people will too.
72. Water Polo
This guy is too hot. He knows it. Also his reflection kind of looks like he's doing a split under the water. CALM DOWN, WATER POLO MAN. You are no bacon emoji and you know it.
Images: Emojipedia