It's baaaack! Well, more accurately, it will be baaaack! Jeffree Star Cosmetics' popular Androgyny Lip Velour liquid lipstick will make its triumphant return very soon. The brand confirmed via an Instagram post that this universally wearable matte plum x mauve lippie will be restocked in the near future. Many of my makeup junkie pals swear by this shade and I can't deny its epic level of awesome, especially on my friend Reena's pucker. When is Jeffree Star restocking Androgyny?
Androgyny is plush AF and it's coming back on Tuesday, June 28. The shade will be available at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT. JSC's Velour Liquid Lipsticks are $18 a tube. The brand's website is also its sales platform and the digital stock of this much-desired product is always drained on the quick. So you will want to make you sure properly plan so that you don't end up empty-handed! More on that in a second, though.
Below is the Instagram post confirming the on-sale time and date for Androgyny. There's also more good news contained within this Insta snap. Supply of two other shades —Masochist, which is a ruby red, and Celebrity Skin, which is a pinky nude— will also be replenished on June 28.
There you have it. Stop whatever it is that you are doing and create a reminder in your phone. It's a good idea to write it down, too. I love that the brand puts all critical intel in one post, eliminating any guesswork and confusion.
Here are my quick (and hopefully foolproof) shopping tips, which I cribbed from my own "How to Successfully Shop Kylie Lip Kits" playbook. You'll want to get yourself situated in front of a computer, with a browser open to the Jeffree Star Cosmetics site about 10 minutes prior to the restock time. Have your credit card at hand. Close all other browser tabs. Ignore everyone in the room, if possible. Concentrate on the task at hand. Point, click, shop, checkout. Don't browse. Get what you want and go.
A quick scan of the comments on the restock post indicates that fans are stoked about the return of Androgyny and co.
Images: Jeffree Star Cosmetics/Instagram (1); Courtesy of Jeffree Star Cosmetics (1)