For everything that Breaking Bad did for Bryan Cranston's career, he may never escape the name Walter White. Or Heisenberg. Or Mr. White, if there's a yo in front of it. Even if his next role seems completely unrelated to the dearly departed series, someone will find a connection—and with Godzilla, someone did. There is now an amazing mashup trailer of Godzilla and Breaking Bad, that lets Cranston's former co-stars in on the fun.
If you thought the Godzilla trailer was epic on its own, just wait until you see "Godzilla vs. Heisenberg." When Walt steps in, he doesn't try to sell the monster meth, but he isn't afraid to use his drug dealer intimidation tactics. Even Jesse gets to help and see his lifelong dream of Mr. White building a robot come true (unfortunately, there don't seem to be any magnets involved).
"Godzilla vs. Heisenberg" was made by YouTube user AwesomenessX, the same person behind the equally amazing Guardians of the Galaxy and Parks and Rec mashup. Currently the video does not have nearly as many views as it deserves, especially since the final scene along makes it worth watching for any Breaking Bad fan. No spoilers, but it includes a supporting character you'll be very glad to revisit. Watch the whole video below.
Image: Warner Bros. Films