
Here's What Adult Stars Think About Manscaping

by Kristen Sollee

For some, pubic hair grooming can make or break a sexual encounter. For others, down-there-hair styles are NBD. In a new WoodRocket video, porn stars talk about male pubic hair, and reveal just what kind of manscaping they prefer to get up and close and personal with.

The history of pubic hair removal is long and storied (but really more like short and curly). In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, both men and women were known for removing their below-the-belt hair. For most of the first millennium, however, there was far more of a focus on what women did with their public hair, and men were pretty much left to tend their pastures as they saw fit. Enter the 20th century and feminism, and the conversation about pubic hair coiffures began to widen.

Today, manscaping may be all the rage, but the reactions to man bush by adult entertainers — like many women — ranges from it's "horrible" to "I think hair is awesome." The majority do end up voicing a serious issue we can all agree on, which is that getting pubes caught in your throat from sex is no picnic. Remember the entire Curb Your Enthusiasm episode about the woes of trying to coughing up a wayward pube? Watch this SFW video for more commentary on genital grooming:

Images: WoodRocket/YouTube