'Harry Potter' Blacklight Tattoo Is Magical AF

If you are thinking of getting yourself some ink, but have no idea where to start — this article is for you! Turns out that you can get a Harry Potter blacklight tattoo on your body! That's right. A Harry Potter-themed tattoo that combines the magical universe you grew up loving and permanent skin alterations. Just sit back and ponder about a world where you have a secret tattoo that brings back all of those memories from when you were younger and patiently waiting for the next book to be published.
From the looks of the design, it is a play on the Marauder's famous map — the one James Potter & Co created back before Harry was even a twinkle in their eyes. The map's key feature is the invisible ink which only appears after the wizard or witch utters the phrase I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. The unique idea J.K. Rowling gifted us with has finally been transformed into tattoo form. The blacklight ink only becomes visible under the blue light, making it the perfect ~magical~ tattoo for impressing party guests. I've been dreaming of getting some more ink on me lately, and this just seems like the perfect addition.
The design comes at the heels of the Harry Potter and The Cursed Child play in London, now in previews and set to premiere July 31. I know so many people (including myself) who are dying to know what happened to their favorite boy wizard and friends. What a great way to celebrate the release of the new Harry Potter chapters than with this hidden design? It costs way less then a ticket — I can almost assure you of that. The design that blew up the internet is below:
Oh man. That looks so dope! I especially like the little footprints — people who are huge fans will recognize instantly that those belong to the Marauder's Map even without the blacklight reveal. I guess that's one way to test the true Potterheads. Obviously you can use the ink in different ways, and some Twitter users have already come up with some other great designs.
The same idea but a different execution. This way you can have your very own unique take on the idea. Personally I would love to have one right behind my ear. That way you really only get to see it if I want you to see it. You can always do a different design all together like the following Twitter user...
The Deathly Hallows never looked so good! Hopefully someone comes up with semi-permanent tattoo stickers of this design that I can test out on myself ASAP.
Images: Pixabay