'FNL' Cast Reunion Will Truly Touch Your Soul

I first came across Friday Night Lights via an old DVD set that a friend of mind had lying around her apartment. Not knowing anything about football, I thought to myself, "a sports documentary with handsome men? OK!" and popped that sucker in my DVD player. Almost instantly, my eyes become clearer, my heart became fuller, and the realization that I could never lose dawned on me. Three years later, and 10 years since the show first premiered, the cast of Friday Night Lights has entered my life again in the form of an epic Friday Night Lights reunion at Atlanta's ATX Festival — and I can honestly say my eyes are not clear at all because tears are literally streaming down my face.
As it was announced earlier this year, we knew there was going to be an FNL reunion at the festival, but no word was given on who exactly would show up, or I guess more appropriately, how many of the stars should show up. Are you ready to know who graced the festival with their presence? Who probably touched that glorious letter "P" on the white wall (metaphorically) beforehand? You know, for good luck. Well, here you go: Connie Britton (Tami Taylor), Gaius Charles (“Smash” Williams), Scott Porter (Jason Street), Adrianne Palicki (Tyra Collette), Matt Lauria (Luke Cafferty), Brad Leland (Buddy Garrity), Jesse Plemons (Landry Clarke), Louanne Stephens (Mrs. Saracen), Stacey Oristano (Mindy Riggins, née Collette), Derek Phillips (Billy Riggins), Dora Madison (Becky Sproles), Jeff Rosick (Buddy Jr.), Liz Mikel (Corrina Williams), Grey Damon (Hastings Ruckle), Katherine Willis (Joanne Street), Libby Villari (Mayor Rodell), Barry Tubb (Tom Cafferty), Stephanie Hunt (Devin Boland), Kevin Rankin (Herc), Lee Stringer (Bull Stroles), and David Born (Superintendent Paul Dunley) were ALL THERE. ALL OF THEM. Peep a sweet pic of the Friday Night Lights reunion below tweeted out by the Dillon Panthers's very own Jason Street:
According to Entertainment Weekly, the cast held a tailgate on Panther field as well. And also, the Panther field house and locker room, though unused, are still intact. Please excuse me for a moment, I have to sob now.
During the ATX Festival — which should honestly just be renamed "The Friday Night Lights Reunion" — the gang held a screening of the Season 4 episode “The Son,” and shared memories of life behind the scenes. Like when they played flag football out on the field before shooting. And when Plemons (Landry Clarke) subsequently tore his ACL because of said games. Or when they stole things from the set, including but not limited to the state championship ring, Tyra's clothing items, and Britton taking a "Reserved for Tami Taylor" parking sign. (A parking sign that now resides in her own personal driveway.) Which truly begs the question: Was this the greatest TV show cast of all time, or was this the greatest TV show cast of all time? I'm going to go out on a limb and say both.
Apparently, the reunion ended with the cast and crowd yelling, “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” But I'm willing to bet there wasn't one single dry eye in the house.
Images: NBCUniversal Television Distribution; Giphy