'The Voice's Version Of Musical Chairs?

I forget just how quickly the hour-long episodes of The Voice zoom by. There were only six performances Tuesday night (whereas Monday night gave us a whopping 11 auditions), and then BAM! It was over. I yelled, “IS THAT ALL YOU’VE GOT? BRING IT ON, CARSON DALY!" I was revved up after the awesome premiere. I was on a Voice kick. I was ready for more.
Even so, I liked Tuesday night's show.The singing was good; Blake Shelton, Adam Levine, Shakira, and Usher continued to make me wish I was their pal; Carson was a peach. No serious complaints to be had. Here are performances (and moments) I enjoyed the most from the second night of Blind Auditions:
Delvin Choice — “A Song For You”
This was Delvin’s second time auditioning. "Was he on Season 5? He looks familiar," you wonder. You are correct! He was the “singing barista” who performed "Closer." I liked him then and I liked him this time! He seems like such a delightful person. His performance this time around was so good. "A Song For You" was a much better pick ("Closer" is fun, but dance songs can be so dicey on this show), and his voice sounded so smooth and clear. Adam and Shakira hit their buttons for him and stood for the duration of the performance. Usher hit his button at the very last moment.
Blake remarked how controlled his voice is. YES! Smooth, clear, and controlled.
Shakira told him he’s the singer she’s been waiting for, but that didn’t sway Delvin. He picked Adam.
Deja Hall — “True Colors”
When the music began, Shakira and I said, “Wow, I love this song” in unison. I think that definitely means Shakira and I have a special connection or something?
Deja is 16 years old, and she’s freakin’ cute. "But can she sing?" you ask. The answer is: YES. Deja has a really pretty voice. During the first chorus, she made a cool choice with the way she sang the word “afraid.” Blake and Shakira were into it, so they turned their chairs for her. During the second chorus, she sang the word “afraid” a completely different way, and I couldn’t tell if it was intentional or if she faltered. Usher reacted and held off from hitting his button.
But when she sang “like a rainbow” at the very end of the song, Usher was inspired to spin around.
Why didn’t Adam hit his button? He said he didn’t hear what he wanted her to do with the “don’t be afraid” part, which, yeah I can see that. She didn’t stick to the original. If that's what you wanted, that's not what she did. However, the other coaches applauded the changes she made to the song, which, yeah. I can see that, too. She did a lovely job.
Blake, Shakira, and Usher fought for her. Blake pointed out that Shak and Ush have kids but he doesn't, and that he wanted to adopt her. OKAY, BLAKE. CHILL OUT, BLAKE.
She chose Shakira.
Cary Laine — “Better Dig Two”
Cary's voice is great (like, really, really great), but I was super into her overall energy and her vibe. Adam, Shakira, and Blake turned right away. They too were into it. What about Usher? Usher listened and hesitated. And then… Okay. I don’t want to start any Voice drama, but like, I think he peeked over his shoulder?! Or maybe he started to, and then realized what he was doing and caught himself before he turned around entirely? Or maybe he was simply itching his chin with his shoulder? Or maybe I imagined all of it? ACK. All of this conspiracy theorizing is making my head hurt. Anyway, after the non-peek, Usher hit his button.
The coaches then presented her with maybe their weirdest/best persuasion tactic to date: They offered Cary their seats. She sat in Adam's chair, then Shakira's, and then Usher's. It was like musical chairs, but without any music. Just musicians. And chairs. Okay, I'm done now.
At one point, Usher looked into Cary's eyes and tried to talk her into joining Team Usher. Now THAT'S persuasive. I would've melted into an Alex Mack puddle right then and there. Because Shakira understands the power and the beauty of Usher’s eyes, she covered them. “Okay, look at my lips,” Usher told Cary. Shakira immediately realized she overlooked the power and the beauty of Usher’s lips, and yelled, “OH NO! EVEN WORSE!”
But Cary would not be won over by Usher (or his hot face). She chose Adam. The two of them slow danced. First Usher stared into her soul, and then Adam danced with her?! I admire Cary's composure. I would've been a screeching mess.
Image: Tyler Golden/NBC