Lindsay Lohan Revisits Her 'Parent Trap' Days

Get out those Oreos and peanut butter. A Parent Trap sequel is not on its way, but that isn't stopping former childstar and the actress behind both Annie and Hallie, Lindsay Lohan, from taking a trip down memory lane. On Sunday, Lohan visited The Parent Trap house that was Annie's London residence in the film. And she posted a picture of the seriously nostalgia-filled moment on Instagram, noting the home's different address but overall familiarity with the caption, "A trip down memory lane #sundayfunday #theparenttrapmovie 'Annie's house' but it was number 7 in the movie."
If you've followed Lohan's Instagram over the past couple of years, it's been clear that The Parent Trap holds just as much of a special place in her heart as it does in the hearts of the fans. Lohan has posted previous moments from the film, including a behind-the-scenes throwback photo and a recreation of a scene from The Parent Trap. Personally, I think that just seeing Lohan standing in front of the all-too-familiar iron gate is something to appreciate even without the caption. Seriously, it is just way too perfect, and you need to see it right now so your heart can clench with joy just like mine has.
I am perfectly fine with the Parent Trap throwbacks coming our way. But it does leave a sense of curiosity for what the future may hold for the characters of Annie and Hallie. While the chances of Disney actually creating a sequel to tell us what happened to the twins might be slim, it's not completely out of the question. In fact, I have a feeling that Lohan would be totally on-board. Sadly, between the passing of actress Natasha Richardson and all that's unfolded in the past 18 years, it does remain an unlikely occurrence.
Still, that doesn't stop me from imagining where Annie and Hallie would be today. I can totally picture Annie attending a well-renowned University — such as England's University of Oxford — and getting a job in the field of international business relations. And as for Hallie? Well, her wild spirit certainly can't be tied down, so, when she's not traveling around the world and visiting her sister, she could also be embracing her creativity by starting her own small business or simply being her own boss. Now if only we could actually find out where those two are now.
In the meantime, we're just going to have to keep our eyes peeled on Lohan's Instagram for more Parent Trap throwbacks. Honestly, there can never be enough.
Images: Walt Disney Pictures; Giphy