The Starbucks drink menu is something I hold very near and dear to my heart, but even I gotta admit there have been some beautiful beverages to come from the unofficial Starbucks ~Secret~ Menu. Case in point? The Starbucks Pink Drink. What is the Starbucks Pink Drink, you might be asking? If you've never heard of it, you aren't alone. This pretty treat isn't something you would normally find advertised at the Starbucks counter, but it's become so popular on Instagram and Twitter that if you were to go up and ask your Starbucks barista about it, they would probably know exactly what you are talking about. And even if they don't know what you're talking about, they can whip it up pretty easily if you merely walk them through the ingredients. So, here's exactly what you need to know.
UPDATE: As of April 10, 2017, Pink Drink has officially joined the Starbucks menu. It brings together the flavors of Strawberry Acai Refreshers, passion fruit, acai, and coconutmilk, topped with a scoop of strawberries.
EARLIER: The Starbucks Secret Menu has acquired quite the online fan following, even though it isn't officially a part of Starbucks. Basically, it consists of drinks made up by customers and baristas through the years, using ingredients that most Starbucks stores should already have on hand. So, if you know how to order a drink off the Secret Menu, most baristas should be able to make it for you. As for the Pink Drink? The ingredients used here are surprisingly simple. Order up a Starbucks Acai Refresher, but when you do ask that it be made using coconut milk instead of water. If you're really feeling fancy, go ahead and ask for a scoop of strawberries or blackberries to be thrown in there for good measure.
The result is a cold beverage that is, quite frankly, stunning:
Again, this isn't part of the official Starbucks menu, but it's still definitely worth checking out if you're looking for something refreshing. Apparently, the finished product tastes kind of like strawberry milk, only there's the added bonus that this drink comes with a subtle kick of caffeine, thanks to the green coffee extract that lives in the Strawberry Acai Refresher.
Of course, if you're in need for a little more caffeine, you could always hit up Starbucks' official Cold Bar menu. There are all kinds of new offerings to be found there this summer, including Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew, Nitro Cold Brew, and the Starbucks Doubleshot on Ice. Basically, if you can dream it, Starbucks can make it.
Images: Alex Wong/Getty Images