Here Are The Best New Emoji Coming To Your Phone

For many of us, emojis are a way of life. Which is exactly why you need to know: what are the new Unicode 9 emoji? Because they're going to be your new way of life. They're going to be your everything. Yes, that's right, there's a new emoji update rolling out June 21 with all of the icons we didn't know we needed.
For all of those wordless moments, emojis have been there for us. When we can't find the right thing to say to express our gratitude or surprise or horror, emojis have our back. When we need the perfect zinger or a burning come back, emojis are ready to take our defense. And now, with dozens — yes, dozens — of new emojis rolling out this month, our text game is about to get even more on-point, if that's humanly possible.
The new emojis fill in every possible conversational hole you might find yourself in. All of those wordless noises you make when you receive a message now have emojis, so now your lunatic ex-Tinder date can know when they say something that makes you face palm or want to barf. And when your mother sends you a string of messages asking if you're eating healthy or if your fingers are stained from hot cheese puffs, you can send her back a few vegetables and a green salad and get her off your back. Here are a few of our favorite new emojis that are exactly what we didn't know we already needed:
Clown Face
For when you seriously over-do your make up because you fell into a YouTube tutorial hole.
Lying Face
For when you get caught in a lie, or better yet, to call someone else out on a lie.
Nauseated Face
For when someone's being overly graphic or when you've eaten yourself into a food coma.
Because why was there only ever a princess? For when your man is being charming, or a diva, the perfect emoji response.
I spend most of my day shrugging. It's my favorite response to everything. "I dunno". Now I can shrug all day via text, too!
Face Palm
Whether you've forgotten something, think what someone just said was ridiculous or are not getting anywhere in an argument, a good old face palm is the way to go.
Pregnant Woman
Personally, for me, at this point in my life I'll be getting a lot of use out of this emoji, but not because I'm pregnant. Rather, I'm always complain to my friends about my food babies. Now I don't even need to put the words together.
Man Dancing
Men like to go out dancing too. I imagine this emoji will be used a lot in the Tinder-verse.
I honestly can't believe we've lived without this emoji for as long as we have. Finally, that curled arm with a phone glued to the end is here!
Finger's Crossed
I've been waiting for this one. I love to send a "fingers crossed" whenever someone makes me a promise.
Black Heart
C'mon, every moody girl needs a black heart for her black heart!
Green Salad
For all the kale lovers out there, a green salad for you.
Face With One Eyebrow Raised
Personally, I'll get a lot of use out of this. Firstly, I'm always suspicious of what people say to me. Second, my eyebrows are never on fleek, they're always uneven.
Images: triloks/E+/Getty Images, Courtesy of Emojipedia
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